One thing some folks in NJ may not realize is the limits for striped bass in NY are one at 28" and one at 40" or greater.
However, the party boats have a conditional license to take 2 at 28" or better, per angler.
There is also a pretty strong commercial striper fishery in NY, mainly gillnetters.

Taken together, these party boats and gillnetters represent a strong political lobbying group. I read "undue influence" mentioned here. It is stronger than that. It is a targeted influence by these commercial interests to further their inroads they have made. Any move by the ASMFC to cut the stiped bass harvest would definitely affect their quotas. They will fight tooth and nail for that quota even if it means they have to lie and make up stories about how healthy the bass stocks are. These folks are in it for the $$. They don't care about the future of striped bass. If bass are wiped out they will just target another species.
I think it's admirable that you want to pursue this fight. As bababooey said you will make some enemies out there. These folks will do anything to keep or increase their quota. That being said I want to commend you for taking the initiave to rally against the ASMFC. Groups have tried it before and failed. Just be aware that there are Commissioners on the ASMFC from LI and they will most certainly represent LI commercial interests. This will continue no matter how much data you present to prove your case. I do give you credit for trying and will help any way I can.