Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
the new and full moon tides put more baitfish on the move, and more opportunities for predators to ambush and feed on them....

However, the extreme high and low, and stronger current flow, meant that folks out there fishing needed to change it up a bit, and change their timing....
Something I posted today about fishing the moon tides.....

IMO one of the most important things to back bay fishing right now is the moon phase. We are coming off the new moon, a key time to be out there, good for you for recognizing.
Since you mentioned bait all over, let's assume (even though you didn't have success,) that there could be some bass around)

would they be?
My answer is the most likely place would be the structure you were talking about. I think you can figure out the specifics by yourself. When the fishing is slow, I go right to the place where I know the most likelihood of fish are....and for me, that's structure with lights and shadow lines.

A problem with fishing that in moon tides is that the fishing can be better or worse, you have to learn each spot, as to what is optimal.

**I do notice, that for me, this "feeding window" changes during moon tides, and I have to adjust my fishing times and presentation at each area accordingly.

2. However, overconfidence, will sometimes get in the way of adaptibility, which IMO is the mark of a consistent fisherman.

4. What that means to me, if I see bait and no fish, is I have to be ready to move on to the next spot.
before I do,
a. I ask myself am I at the best place for presentation, at this stage of the tide?
b. Am I working the best part of the water column, where they are most likely to be?
I know you said you worked all levels, but in my last trips out, fishing structure, 80% of my fish have come on the bottom.
You said you were throwing rubber and jigs, but didn't mention small bucktails.
Last time I was out, I was not successful for awhile. I was throwing rubber shads, the 4 and 5" kind, no action at all.

I downsized to ball head jig with white curly tail.
** Note, for me this is one of the most effective things to get fish to hit, even better than zooms, because if they are feeding on very small bait they can't resist the curly tail. This will often pick up fish for me when they won't touch anything else.

I had almost immediate action on this, but only because I was bouncing on the bottom. If I was even 3 feet up from the bottom there was no action. Of course, depending on where you fish you may lose a lot of gear this way. Which is why many fishermen don't like to fish bottom. I change jig size and weight to accomodate different stages of the tide. Otherwise I know I don't have a real chance at staying where the fish are for that night, once I find them.

Hope this helps.,...with the final thought.,,,,,
When what worked yesterday does not....you have to really ask yourself...
1. Should I move on?
2. Am I really targeting where the fish are most likely to be, for tonight?

**(One quick note about structure...to me shadow lines are less important than stage of the tide....I have found during different stages fish will gravitate toward one side or the other....if you are not working both sides, and making notes in your log about when the bite changes, you will miss a big part of the picture, and will miss the bigger, solitary fish, that you might not know are there)