Quote Originally Posted by fishjay View Post
The OFFC went to NOMOCO yesterday. After trying many spots we settled on on spot with no people around. after trying for an hour or so some bait and birds appeared in front of us.
One of us hooked up and out of the sand came about 20 of our closes friends. They really wanted to say hello badly and almost didn't allow my friend to land his fish . This fiasco lasted about 15 minutes and my freinds did catch about a half dozen small bass. Finally it was over and almost dark and our freinds faded back in to the sand where they came from.

We then could go back to fishing unmolested which was what we were hoping for. By this time it was dark and we started to throw bomber plugs and low and behold we got lucky and had a good pick of bass to 18# for about an hour. It felt really good to get rid of the skunk that had been riding with us for a long time.
Wow great report 18 pounds I would be happy right now catching one bass at 8lbs! ds talks about you on here all the time and says you wont give up. Great job on the catching. Since you were mugged its even sweeter that you caught and they didn't. Hope to meet you on the beach one day. Thanks for the report. Maybe there is still some hope.
fished 2 days and nights this weekend. Fri I went to island beach. did a lot of walking and casting. Nothing but a few shad on a bomber. Today I fished sandy hook south to belmar.It was like no one was home in the surf. I saw tons of people fishing and no one hooking up. Fished from 4-12 tonight. Fished lures, rubber shads, tryed a bucktail, and also some vision eels. How could things be so bad that I couldn't even get a bump? You are right there are not even some small fish around. If this keeps up I might not get a keeper. I just want to get one nice striper and then ill be happy.