Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
. Anyone see a trend the last few years on the catching?

Hope the Oblivious Surfcaster enjoys fishing, cause there is going to be a lot less catching.

Monty, I have been seeing this trend, for the last 5-8 years, a gradual decline in my catches in any one area...This spurred me on to fish and learn other places..
My point: If fishing was consistently good in NJ, I would not have had to take to the road to find fish when there are significant gaps in our NJ bass fishing.........

The bright side....
I'm trying to lecture on this site about it less...As I feel some may get tired of seeing the same rants from me at times...
However, each time out, I'm meeting more folks of all ages, who are now ranting to me...how bad the fishing is, and what their reasons and solutions could be.....

I do agree with your points...Apathy Re: Fishermen activism is at al all time high...but I am refreshed by meeting a few people, all ages and backgrounds, who now seem to care and feel we must get involved before it's too late....