^ Thanks for the contribution, Steve.

I'm going to be adding to this thread, and talking about modern day options, why some could work, and why others could not.

Fin has been doing some research and should get credit for some of the links you see posted going forward.

We had a long discussion about this the other day.

There are various movements out there now, to try and work with the numbers of striped bass we have now, instead of the final option of another moratorium.

1. The 1 @ 32" pledge
2. Pledges to better release fish to decrease fish mortality of striped bass, along with ASMFC focus on this
3. C&R pledges and movements cropping up on facebook and other social media
4. Movements to eliminate fishing during Spawning in spawning areas (this already occurs, to an extent, in the Chesapeake)

I think many of us would prefer any option..... to an act where the fishery is shut down for rebuilding. If there was a shutdown, that could be devastating for a lot of Captains, tackle shops, and small businesses.....
There are specific reasons why some could make a difference, and some may not have a chance of happening.
I'll try to talk more about these options, and what we can do, in the coming months......
Thanks to any and all who can add further contributions to this thread....