River News - Celebrity Guest Catch's Steelhead!
(To see all Holiday photo's)
Guess who was fishing for Steelhead in old farts pool this weekend on the river? Yup, even Santa takes time off to wet a line and tangle with someSilver Bullets on the Salmon River. Ol' Saint Nick was 1 for 3 using a combination of glow bugs and Stones. Santa was last seen chasing a rocketing, somersaulting, speeding bullet, tail walking Steelhead down the river steady on his feet, bellowing Ho-Ho-Ho, Happy Steelhead Fishing Holidays to Alllllllll..
(Santa released all of his Steelhead, as a Holiday gift to you)
"The fish you release may be a gift to another fisherman as it may have been a gift to you."
Lee Wulff
Funny story:
A guide friend asked me where we were hitting all of our steelhead this week. I told him I couldn't remember as it was dark outside when I anchored the drift boat.
After we had hooked up several Steelhead a bank angler asked what we were using, I said I couldn't see as it was dark outside when I tied it on.
After we had hooked up several Steelhead a very wise and experienced friendly steelhead bank angler (who I might add was having a lot of success also) asked what pound test leader - tippet we were using. I said I couldn't remember as it was dark outside when I tied it on. Then I pulled out my spool from my chest wader pocket and said, O, its 50 ponund test. He politly chuckled in return, for me being soooooooooo helpful.
Food's that help you to stay warm in the Winter and "Kids" what is lake effect snow video:
Mail Bag:
Hi Randy, I have been planning to make trips up to the salmon R for probably 8 to 10 yrs and havent made it yet. I hit 18 mile creek a couple of times right around this time of yr...but am interested in getting knowledgable enough to make annual trips up to the Salmon R (about half the drive). Ihave all the gear.
I am interested in getting a handle on where, how to fish the Salmon from shore in areas where I can wade fish without killing myself (58 yrs old,in pretty good shape but my knee joints have some wear and tear)
Any suggestions on areas I could target? If you have some good ideas on locations to point me at and think I would benefit from scheduling in some time with you, please advise. Are weekdays much better (crowdwise) than weekends? Any insight/recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Joe
Hi Joe, Mid-week always best, less angler pressure so more fishingopportunity for you. If flexible, try not to fish on a Holiday or aroundit or weekend's.
Any place where there is a bridge crossing the river. Any place wherethere is a road that runs along the river. They also have a number of publicparking area's adjacent to some of the holes. A map would show you thesearea's nicely. I'd start there.
Happy Hook'n, Randy

(To see all Holiday photo's)
Some more Holiday Cheer Steelhead. Congrats!!
Last weeks fishing report:Mon.
Dentist apt. schedued day off. No cavities, so I was happy
Dave and brother Ron - "repeat - experinced" clients tangled w/ approx. 27 steelhead. Yup, your eyes are reading that correctly. 27!!!!! Holy cow! I doubt Ill have another one of those days again this season. My guest's and myself enjoyed "A Day For KINGS!"
I sincerley hope that all of you have a chance to experince a day like today!
Dave and brother Ron joined me for a second day, hungry for some more Chrome. Fought approx. 17 total Steelhead today. Simplie AMAZING!!! They just booked me for another 5 days. Spring time April steelhead, next years Fall Salmon and Nov. steelhead.
Since I'm rambling about future Steelhead fishing, I like the Winter time as you'll have more fishing opportunity w/ less anglers fishing. Which normally means more steelhead for you!
I also like the end of March and the first few weeks of April for Spring time steelhead fishing. Its a lil warmer, sight fishing is an optional treat and in April the upper fly zone opens back up wich is another option. The U.F.Z. closed today until next April.
Canceled trip due to dangerous wind chills. Yes, I had my skirt on - yukyuk, so you fair weather anglers are not alone and can rib me a lil.
Friday the river was VERY crowded with anglers and boats. I didn't know if Id be able to find a good place to fish. It was soooo cold, I didn't meet my guest until 8am. I got lucky and found 2 nice spots that know one knew about.
As I slowly drift down the river in the drift boat, I noticed know onewas fishing the tail of a very productive hole. I set the anchor and withina few drift's my "repeat - experinced" guest was into his first Steelheadof many. Landed a couple nice ones out of 6. Once we finished experimentingwith rigging and presentational changes (that all worked) and the fishingslowed to a crawl. We pulled anchor and headed out to see what prime waterwe could find them in next. I noticed know one was fishing a normally productivespot that fish's great in 750 cfs. So I set the anchor and within a few drift's my guest was tight to 5 more Steelhead. We fished 2 other spots very breifly and left as it was a lil to crowded for my liking.
My 1 "repeat - experinced" guest Anton played with 11 Steelhead today!
Biggest Steelhead was approx. 15lb's as it catapulted itself skyward toward the heavens, somersaulting several times before splash down! I could see angler heads turning as it sounded like a big brick being thrown into the water. Then a tail walk for about 20 feet. Darn..... I love this job!
Another one of Anton's day's out with me steelhead fishing:

Anton was my 1 guest using a fly rod off the drift boat on Sat. Due tohis superior angler ability level, He Hammered'm!
He played with approx. 16 Steelhead. Ye-haaaa!
Within the first 10 minutes the drift boat across from us had 3 Steelhead on. It wasn't long before Anton had his first Steelhead on for the day,of many. After the next 15 minutes of no fish for us to play with we decided to get out of the boat and work this productive spot 5-6 feet at a time,working our 30 foot window of opportunity. We picked away at them while theboat across from us were hammering them using center pin's w/ floats andeggs or beads. (Over heard the guide say they played with 14 Steelhead inthis spot the day before.) After Anton and I had moved down approx. 100 feetfrom where we had started off the boat, we found a pod of Steelhead in thisnormally productive small area! We worked about a 12 foot length of the bankworking back and forth the remainder of the day. Why leave fish to try tofind fish, especially with all the drift boats and fair weather shore anglersaround. Pheeew, now I could relax and enjoy the view. I watched Anton's presentation thru out the day and suggested a few reminders and tips that worked likemagic. Try this, then like magic, "Fish On". We both would chuckle.
At one point we were hitting Steelhead on almost every drift. Wow! Then, all of a sudden nothing! We poked around for the next hour with not'a nibble. Looked at my watch and it was time to hit the ramp.
All the other boats and shore anglers were all smiles as we slowly drifted down the river past them in the drift boat, joking and laughing. I congratulated 1 guide and his clients of there success's. I told him we didnt find 1 steelhead all day in this one spot that we had been fishing all day. He knew better He said that he had noticed us having success. I told him they were only chub's. We all laughed. Another guide freind and his clients were fishing a nice place all by themselves down river. We joked how up river lookedmore like Salmon Season with all the boats and anglers. It was nice tosee everyone out enjoying this world class fishery! Even saw a few family'sout with the kids having fun.
Another one of many, Day for Kings!
Congrats again Anton!
All fish were pictured and released for all of you to enjoy! Mostly old'r darker educated male and female Steelhead with one freshy in the bunch.
(To see all Holiday photo's)
This is one of my all time favorite steelhead photo's. Anton fishing in April. Big'ol Buck! Congrats!! (Released)
Anglers are finding the steelhead fishing presently either challenging, tuff, ok, not bad, pretty good or amazing. I guess we just got lucky this last week, as we found the steelhead fishing amazing!!
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