The issue, as I understand it, is an issue for many towns in LI.

They are not set up as towns the way they are in NJ....there is a borough system, each borough controlling several towns.

Each borough is responsible for its own regulations. How that affects fishing is if you want to fish there, you must buy a night fishing permit, or risk tickets and heavy fines.

These permits are not cheap...ranging from $100-250 per borough. (rough estimate here, I could be off a bit)
The 4x4 permits are usually priced higher than standard night fishing permits.

Residents sometimes need to pay a fee as well, but it is substantially less, in some cases 25% of what non-residents pay.

They do this for beach access fees as well.
In some towns in Ct, for example, the beach fee is $25/person/day, for non residents....meaning a family of 5 might have to shell out $125 just for beach access, for one day.........
(what that really implies, is that if you are not a resident, they don't want you there)

IMO these fees not only impact fishermen, they affect us all. Our enjoyment of a beach should grant us equal access to, and pricing, as someone who lives there....but that is the subject of another topic and thread.........

**The point here, is that the towns do in fact control access this way.
In some ways, that might be a good thing...that way, you don't have caravans of roving teens partying and littering your beaches at have some control....

However, how much control, is too much?
1. When it becomes restrictive to fishermen (most of whom are respectful)
2. When it is restrictive to disabled, older, or handicapped folks who have trouble finding parking in an area, and just want to walk the beach?

Parking restrictions keep out the riff-raff, but they also unfairly come down on those of us who are law abiding citizens, and just want to enjoy a beach area as allowed by the Public Trust.
My focus here in these fishing forums, will be how they affect us as fishermen.