I am getting a lighter rated blank than the Avid just as you mentioned, with a similar action to the Avid. Shoulder was wrecked using the legend last year, just an unavoidable I injury. This 3-8 rating is misleading, 1-5 would be more accurate, and its a very nice strong rod that loads nice with a wide range.

Quote Originally Posted by fishinmission78 View Post
That rod is rated 3-8oz. def on the heavier side when it comes to throwing things. If you are used to that the other rods will feel whippy. I would think working it for 8 hours at a time would cause some fatigue. Even though 13 oz it has to be stiffer and less giving. Never used that blank so don't really know only thinking out loud.

Remember reading you recently had some surgery so maybe a lighter rated blank would cause less fatigue and be better for you long term. like has been said, every person is different only you know what works best for you. It just seems to me that a rod rated for 3-8 oz would naturally be stiffer than others.