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Thread: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

  1. #1081
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    There but for the Grace of God...Go I.....

    I touched base today with someone I haven't talked to in awhile.....I know they will eventually come in and read this thread.....
    We talked about a close friend of theirs almost died this past Fri night.....and by some miracle, they were that they could continue working with this friend....who has been an inspiration to me, and several others......

    Our last parting words for today....were that he is alive, by the Grace of God.....
    It's all Grace.....Never underestimate the Power of God....

    Prayers for a continued Sobriety path leading to recovery.....

  2. #1082
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    prayers for your friend dark.

  3. #1083
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    ^Cowherder, thanks, they read this thread regularly...last I heard the friend was OK and going to meetings....

    Last night I wanted to go fishing....but some things got in my way....
    Had to work very late because I promised a finished job to a good customer....climbed up and down off a ladder at least 50 the time we were done, I was dog tired.....

    But we still weren't finished....I promised a good friend I would take her to the hospital to see her boyfriend....
    I have known them for 20 years.....and he woke up Wed morning puking blood.....

    He's a heavy drinker....has had many chances to stop, and will not.....
    so this was a consequence.....
    Unfortunately his family did not understand what was happening to him,...they thought he was dying.....
    However I knew immediately when hearing the details, that he had some GI tract problems.....

    I met them all at the hospital.....we stayed for awhile...they were crying, not knowing if he would survive.....

    I'll talk more about this incident, and what happens to alcoholics and their family relationships....when I get a chance to come back and type the rest of the story.........

    **Thought for the day......
    All we really have is today.....there are no guarantees that tomorrow will come,. for some of us....

  4. #1084
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Raleigh NC


    it's a baffling, crazy thing, alcoholism.

  5. #1085
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    New Jersey


    Very sorry to hear that dark skies. He will be in my prayers.

  6. #1086
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    ^ The update on that, is I took him to a meeting last night.
    His first one, and my first in quite a few years.

    I had forgotten how hot the coffee can be at an AA meeting.....I like to sit there and drink it black.
    This was a new meeting, less than 15 guys there, but free form discussion, good stuff.

    **We alcoholics like to talk a lot, surprisingly there were those there who were twice as verbose as I am.
    (This taught me I really have to work to shorten some of my long-winded posts,)

    There were people there who had lost almost everything because of their addictions....really brought me back, and good to keep the memory green.

    Most importantly, this guy and I will be going back regularly, as he doesn't have a ride to get to some of these....and I look forward to getting back into the groove again....

    I know his family is happy that he went...whether he will stick with or not, it's too early to tell,. and it's one day at a time anyway...but it was a good start.

    I missed out on fishing because after a 10 hour day physical work, some repairs, and the meeting I fell asleep with my gear in my car, but sometimes other things are more important......I'll get to the water next time.....Sobriety is more important.

  7. #1087
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Have been going to some more meetings. The bright side is the newcomer is doing ok. The other night I couldn't get there in time and he walked the 4 blocks to the meeting. He has resisted so much before that I didn't know if he would be there,,,,but he was.

    He's not working right now, is looking for a job, and I think it's good momentum for him to try to get to as many as he can. I'll try to help till he gets back on his feet.

    I also appreciate being there as well...
    been out of the AA loop for a long time.....

    The downside....I am getting to see how irritating some of us drunks really are.....the new people at the meetings are having side conversations, doing the i-phone browsing....I feel it's rude to the speakers, and don't remember things being like that a few years ago.

    It's a different world out there with cell phones, much different than AA was the last time I was going regularly.
    Life isn't perfect to begin with,,,,we all must deal with irritations and disappointments. For, now, it beats the alternative.

  8. #1088
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Some good stuff here, people.

    I had some thoughts on Christmas and getting older....
    As we get older, so do our parents....there may come a time when you have to care for them, or look after them more regularly, even if they live by themselves.....The dynamics of doing this are not appreciated by many busy younger families.....hence the growth in nursing homes and assisted living facilities in this country.......

    For quite a few years, my Mom, when she was in better health, would play Santa at some of these nursing homes...Pebbles and I would play Santa's helpers as she made up dozens of cookie and small gift care packages to give to the old folks at some of these homes.....

    It was rewarding and the same time sad when you realized that some of these older folks, had family that lived close by, but that they never saw....even in the best nursing homes, to me there was still a fair amount of sadness....this gave us a resolve that we would never put my Mom in one.....

    I know others faced with these decisions and choices...and what I say to them is...each decision is based on your circumstances....It's not fair to judge someone else for putting their family member in a home....
    It's just something that we decided we are not doing, in our family......

    My words below, are designed to reach out to those of us, who are caring for an elderly this season of Christmas, and for all the other days of the year........

    [I know this has been a very challenging year for you and your family.
    I don't think these health issues will get any better for them. I hope and pray that God is merciful and is watching over them so they do not have to endure suffering. As all of our parents and family members get older, I think it's a reminder of our own mortality.....

    The idea that their ailments, could someday be a part of our many ailments and illnesses affect those closest genetically.....

    The idea that our days will someday be numbered.....
    The irony that the small inconveniences of caring for someone else's daily needs....will, down the road, be the same small inconveniences that someone else has to go through...for us......

    Some that I respect greatly....have told me the following.....
    "We are all day at a time.....some of us just get there faster than others...."

    I think the above does apply...but it's also true that we are day at a time....Every Day is a precious gift from God.......

    What we do with it, is up to us....
    No matter how bad our lives are......someone else always has it harder........
    That doesn't make our own struggles, any less difficult, though.....

    We all have our struggles, and challenges.....
    My point in writing this at Christmas, for those who believe in Jesus, and God the Father.....
    is that He unselfishly sent his only son to absolve us for our sins, as a symbol of his benevolent and unconditional love for us.....
    To me, one of the things that stands out, is the unselfishness.........]

    Today, in our society, I see examples of selfishness daily.....
    Maybe because I grew up in a dysfunctional family, that selfishness is easier for me to detect, and notice......
    It's something that saddens me greatly, and has hardened my heart, to helping less people than I am capable of....due to some of my cynicism and experiences......

    At Christmas, and at times throughout the year......I try to evaluate my behavior and see how I can do better.....IMO there is always room for improvement.....
    I think many of us, me included, could all use some encouragement, on being a little nicer to our fellow men and women.....

    Remember, there but for the Grace of God....go I...
    Compassion, or a kind word, telephone call to someone we haven't spoken to in a while...can mean a world of difference, in their lives....
    A few kind words from us...can bring a ray of sunshine into the life of someone, that can last for weeks........

    Remember that, as you are out there, this Holiday season...
    busily going to parties, functions, get, trips, jaunts, fishing, etc.......
    All it takes is a few moments from your busy put a huge level of brightness, in the life of someone else.......

    Take that 5 minutes...
    Make the call.....
    Share some kind words.....
    Do a good deed for someone.......
    Assist them in some small way.....That act of kindness....will come back to you 100 times richer......

    Merry Christmas, all!.....
    And Best Wishes for Health and Happiness......for those are IMO the 2 of the most precious gifts life has to offer.....
    You can't give someone else good Health....
    But 5 minutes from you can bring them some much needed Happiness........more precious than any worldly gift you could ever give them.

  9. #1089
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    St Jude's Prayer for Pebbles Dad.............who suffered a severe stroke......
    please pray for him if you can.......
    We are trying to get through this, one day at a time....

    For those who most need our prayers --
    those who will die today. For the poor, the
    sick, the jobless, for those in jail, for those
    suffering from loneliness or depression. For
    those suffering with marriage or divorce problems.
    For those suffering from life threatening
    such as cancer, heart diseases,
    diabetes, leukemia or AIDS. For those suffering
    from addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling or
    gluttony. For all of these we offer our prayers.

    Let us pray:

    Consider, Oh Lord, Your faithful ones,
    suffering from bodily and mental affliction,
    and refresh the lives which You have created,
    that by being bettered by suffering, they may
    ever be conscious of Your merciful salvation.

    May the Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you to
    guard you, within you to preserve you, before
    you to lead you, behind you to watch you,
    above you to bless you. Who lives and reigns
    with the Father in the Holy Spirit in Eternity.

    May the blessing of Almighty God, Father,
    Son and Holy Spirit descend upon you
    and remain for all time. Amen.

  10. #1090
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Thoughts and prayers dark. If there is anything I can do let me know.

  11. #1091
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Long Island,N.Y.


    Thoughts and prayers Pebbles and Dark I hope all goes well.I know where your coming from taking care of elderly parents but they did it for us now it is our turn regardless of the stress it puts on you.And it puts stress on you and your spouse, believe me it is a rough road sometimes.
    Cranky Old Bassturd.

  12. #1092
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Thoughts and prayers to Pebbles Dad and Pebbles, Dark and family.
    White Water Monty 2.00 (WWM)
    Future Long Islander (ASAP)

  13. #1093
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Just read this. Pebbles and dark very sorry let me know if I can help in any way.

  14. #1094
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Raleigh NC


    sorry to hear about the stroke, D.

    I'm praying for all you all.


  15. #1095
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Pebbles still maintains a nightly vigil at his hospital bed every day after work, and all day on weekends. We are hoping for some improvement, he has stabilized, but not much else so far, very slow going, and sad to see someone who was once so active confined to a hospital bed for the rest of his life.

    I post these things for all of us to see and reflect on.
    Surfstix, Finchaser, John, and some of the rest of you know these things from personal experience.
    I know a lot of folks read this thread even if they don't post, the views say it all.......

    If any of you out there are estranged from your friends or family, and it makes sense to re-visit the relationship (key words),,,
    think about doing that, and getting in touch, before something like this happens......
    This could happen to any one of can change on a moment's notice....

    Thanks for the kind words and prayers, from all of you.
    He really can use those prayers, keep em coming.

  16. #1096
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Cherry Hill, NJ


    Found this very inspiring. I need to count my blessings more!

  17. #1097
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    inside a wormhole, Mass.


    rob that certainly was inspiring. dark thoughts and prayers for your and pebbles families.

  18. #1098
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    ^^ Rob sent me a text thinking that posting that might have been insensitive. Just goes to show you what kind of a guy Rob is.....
    I mention this, not to bring attention to him, but to let others know that any time is a good time to talk about the inspiration that others may bring to our lives. I watched that Nick Vujicic video and was humbled. With all the things we think we have to face in our lives, how many of us, have faced even half the challenges, that Nick has? Thanks for posting it, worries....many people tune in to this thread, and hopefully that video does some good and inspiration for all of us......

    Thanks for the kind words and thoughts, and PMs and phone calls, from all of ya's....I relayed the thoughts to Pebbles, and she appreciates them greatly.

    RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman.....
    He died over the weekend.....had 20 or more years of sobriety.....when I see something like this, I feel saddened...but also try to learn from it, the cunning, baffling, and powerful nature of alcoholism and drug addiction......RIP will be missed.........

  19. #1099
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
    Our last parting words for today....were that he is alive, by the Grace of God.....
    It's all Grace.....Never underestimate the Power of God.....

    This was a tough week for one time I was wondering out loud, if God doesn't like me that much anymore......
    So backed up I haven't even had time to go fishing this year.....the latest in the season I can ever remember for me.....
    Just trying to focus on getting my life on a better track.....and life was dealing me a series of one-two punches, right after another...
    Then a few positive things happened.....

    Lesson for today.......
    Never underestimate the small things.....
    And we need to believe, that God loves us all.....

  20. #1100
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Sorry to hear that Rich. There is always a spot in the lineup with us, brother. Let me know.

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