A couple other differences in China.

The bath room was so disgusting my *ss puckered up and refused to $hit. Was unreal bad. A bunch of holes in the ground with maybe a trickle of water and $hit splattered about. I must be getting old, I have been around these bathrooms before years ago, but was completely disgusted this time.
Will do best to schedule, also need to bring TP in case of emergency as there was none around.

Bottled water, not available in the factory, went 11 hours today without water (brought nutrition bars with me but the splattered $hit disgusted me so much I could only eat one). Stopped on way back to hotel and the people I am working for bought me a case of water (they are very nice people).

Hotel is very modern. Extremely clean. Have no idea why the have glass clear doors and walls inside the room, like to go to the bathroom its a see through glass door that is always closed or when open blocks a hall. Hard to see in the dimmed room....plus they have energy efficient lighting....the whole room is dimmed, that oldness makes it very difficult to see in a dimmed room. Plus motion sensors....everything is turning on and off automatically....I sit up and a light goes on..stuff just turns off.
And last night fireworks went off 30 yards straight out from my window (I'm on 18th floor). That was a surprise.

So far a decent trip.