Forgive me if I don't believe Pallone's smoke and mirror press release

Parking and access were in the original plan to get sand except for Deal every town was for it. Note all the exceptions are in Deal if they get their way little will be done and limited access also probably no parking along entire beach front. Remember towns now have the last say for access and parking including times not the FED's since the DEP relinquished power to the towns and stepped out of the picture. Look at Long Branch and Point Pleasant can't park near the water without paying like $3.00 hour. Pallone and other politicians are rated on what kind of job they do by the money they bring into their district no matter what its for even sand. He lives in Elboron, and needs sand to protect his neighborhood, think of how much access is there and note Elboron gets done first. Rumor has it the contract has already been awarded just waiting on the formal announcement put on hold because of all this bullsh_t.

Pallone the fisherman's friend started way back when in Long branch when he assured the clubs Striped bass would be a game fish coast wide if we voted for him , over 20 years have passed he went from councilman to congress man and he's still playing that card. The jetties are getting buried the only thing is how many will be notched that's the compromise they went from leaving some to maybe just small notches.

The jetties won't be able to be used until all the sand washes away and how deep do you think the water around the jetty will be??? IMO not fishable as most can attest that have seen this before. Go check out Manasquan the sand washed off jetties since the 2014 replenishment but they remain unfishable with numerous sand bars off the fronts and beach including the inlet so there is unfishable access. THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACCESS (which they preach) AND FISHABLE ACCESS.