I don't like to speak out against other Captains but this fellow has the right idea. I have seen so much waste at the marinas. There is nothing wrong with keeping or eating a bass. Limits are not illegal and sometimes I get tired of the zealousness I see on the internet when someone keeps one fish to eat. Not just this site but other sites. That being said I have seen so much waste over the years. Folks who went out on a trip and happened to find schools of big feeding bass. All taking limits plus bonus. Unfortunately some of them happened to be fluke fishing and were not prepared to handle the bigger fish. So tbey stuff them whereever they can and don't have enough ice. When they get back after a long day the fish's skin is dry and the meat is cooked. As I said I am sometimes offended at all the posts I see judging whether we should keep a bass or not. I am equally offended by the shameful waste of good striped bass I have seen out there. All for the trophy shot at the dock. Please folks, eat as many bass as you feel the need to. But don't waste them. It's poor sportsmanship.
I hope what that montauk capt said catches on as well. We are at a tough cross roads now with striped bass. It could go either way.