
I have a love/hate relationship with the kayak. It definitely has it's advantages but at the same time it's not any easier to pick through all the short fluke and seaweed on the kayak. I think it's just a numbers game...catch 20-25 shorts for every keeper. I hate carrying the dam heavy thing around and once you unstrap it from the roof your kind of limited to fishing within 6-8 miles of the launch point.

When I first bought the kayak I had a hard time even finding the fluke in numbers. There is a lot of water to cover and not all of it holds fluke.

Once the water warms up some more and we get more bait into the surf I'll leave the kayak at home.

Peanuts...yesterday they were all mostly in the 3-5" range. This size is very hard to keep alive but can be done with some work. I threw the cast net two weeks ago and all I could find was lots of 1" peanuts so a new school must have moved in.