Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
A few of my thoughts.
1. Way, way to many people fishing an area for me. I don't enjoy that type of fishing so close to people.

2. So at the 11 minute mark, there is a guy casting over people. Why on earth did someone not grab that guys rod and break it in 4 pieces?
Inconsiderate people like that need to be taught a lesson.

3. I would think if Dark was there that guy would be swimming....or running away.
So the guys rod breaks at the end. Made me laugh.

My thoughts...
1. I completely agree. Blitz fishing can seem exciting, but the battling for position gets old after awhile.
When those around you understand courtesy and working together, it ain't so bad. That's not always the case, though. I haven't fished any blitzes this year, even when I had enough beforehand heads up that I could have been there. Nothing wrong with fishing that way if that's what excites you....
To each his own, is what I say....

2.I had the same thoughts. Apparently he had already tangled with some of the other fishermen because they are yelling at him. He still didn't get the hint, though.

3. No comment.....maybe.....

Quote Originally Posted by surfstix1963 View Post
Thats nothing for Montauk should have been another 100 guys then a couple fly rods in between everyone else.
Yup......he needs to see the all out blitz and "every man for himself" attitudes up at the lighthouse sometimes....there's still time for him to learn....he's up there every weekend now.....