The Storm that brought in the Big Fish.....(courtesy of Finchaser)

One of the old salts, finchaser's friend, was "out back" plugging last night.....many are the times when we talk about a rough nasty ocean forcing some big fish to hide where it's calmer, until the seas calm down.......

So his friend, was plugging last night.....hoping to catch a feisty bass.
Things had been dead, as a lot of the bait had cleared out in the last few days......

This guy was just plugging, right time and tide.....hoping for a bend in the rod.....
All of a sudden... "Bang!!!!!!!"...he gets hit by a freight train.......
A fish hits his plug and takes off into the night.....pulling drag steadily......

At first he thought he had a world record bass,
but then it got tired, still a challenge to bring in...he wondered if it could be a bass, or something else ...

He allegedly was fighting this fish for over 10 minutes.,,,,and began to gain ground.....
He finally got close enough to look at it.....

The moment of anticipation....he saw a big form in front of him......wide bodied fish.....
As he shined his headlamp on the beast,,,,he realized it was not striped bass, ray, nor a shark......
If was a freaking giant drum....estimated to be in the 50-60 lb class......

The fish was tired from the fight...but so was his rod was one you would fish for schoolies with...together with a quality reel.....

The fish took one look at him....shining the light....he saw that it was a large black drum...(50-60lb class) then rolled on him as he was trying to maneuver it closer....and with one swipe of its tail was back in the water....swimming away...splashing his face in the if to say..."Eff you pal! Not tonight!"

The guy who reported this is a credible source...doesn't exaggerate....although it's highly unusual to catch a large drum on a's certainly possible....and more so in the middle of the night when fish are less spooky......
Some of you who fish a lot may hear of the story circulated in tackle shops the next few days....
I'm telling ya's...this is a true story....believe it when you hear it.....
Truth is stranger than fiction....believe it or not....