Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
I am a terrible Bucktail Fisherman and not much better at fishing Rubber Shad types of artificials.
Any thoughts at when you would use one of these over the other? Advantages at times of one over the other?
Times they are interchangeable?
I have more confidence fishing the rubber shad types of artificials. Have a better feel of them. And have caught more fish on them than bucktails.
The big drawback for me is BLUES and rubber. The rubber shads get taken off first sign of the yellow eyed demons.

I probably use bucktails three times more frequently than rubber. Like to throw rubber early spring when the fish are sluggish. Also late fall when the blues have thinned out. IWO - the bucktail and pork is one of the things out there that takes the least amount of $$ out of your pocket and will catch fish in the most diverse conditions. Many folks don't want to take the time to learn the techniques that will be successful.
Have you read John Skinner's book on bucktails? He does a great job of explaining different weights and techniques. Here is part of it.