After that, I went to Walmart....there were hundreds of people there doing their Christmas shopping.......

The lines stretched deep, and some folks seemed many people almost no room to walk in the store, and few shopping carts 1-2 am in the morning....

All for the goal of buying, buying, to get gifts for family and friends...

I thought about all this commercialism......
And what the original meaning of Christmas was.....

Christ born, as a Savior for the Evil and Ugliness of Mankind.....
Born, only to be persecuted and ridiculed for his different beliefs and inflammatory teachings.......and killed because of it......

We, in Western Civilization, have translated Thanksgiving and Christmas to the biggest shopping days of the year.....
Buy, buy, buy.......while some kids unwrap presents at warp speed, and are bored 5 minutes later......

I don't have any answers here....
Only making observations.........