Thanks Rob and others....
I hope you all understand the connection I was trying to make there....that it could be any one of us...if we were handed a few bad breaks in life, one after the other......I know some end up homeless because of their life choices....and they are responsible for that......but it's easy for me to see how some things could turn our lives around in an instant.

Was at a party last night, we were talking about AC and the casino layoffs.....something like 6000 people? You know a % of those people are going to lose their houses. If you're in your 50's or 60's and get laid off it's tough to find something comparable....some of these people never knew it was coming......

In trying to keep with a positive theme for 2015.....
I thank you all for stopping by, and wish everyone (better) health, some peace, and possibly better opportunities for this year.

Rob, I congratulate you on being a grandfather, and your new additions to family.....
One of these days maybe we'll actually fish a night tide together......let me know.....