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Thread: 2015 NJ Striper Regulations

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    New Jersey


    I agree. The charter boats will be the death of this fishery. The ones who are most disrespectful seem to be the ones in the raritan bay. I don't like to name names because I am not from that area. These Captains do a disservice to others out there by claiming the health of the striped bass. It is just not true.
    Back in the 80's when striped bass came back most folks had stopped fishing for them regularly. Even at Island beach there wasn't much activity outside of the spring and fall migration. The fish weren't there and most stopped fishing for them. Instead we targeted flounder, fluke, blackfish, and bluefish to keep it interesting. It was very difficult to catch a striped bass during that time. You could go for weeks without catching one. The interest started up again when it was heralded that they were recovered. The outdoor writers started publicizing it. Some bait shops were struggling and it was seen as a way to increase business. It worked and folks started to show up at the beaches regularly again. This was a good thing. The thing that some fail to see is that we need to manage these fish better. The folks at the agencies need to listen more closely to actual fishermen across a broad spectrum. If this does not happen the population will crash again. I have lived through it and seen it. The watered down regulations just voted on are not enough.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by clamchucker View Post
    I agree. The charter boats will be the death of this fishery. The ones who are most disrespectful seem to be the ones in the raritan bay. I don't like to name names because I am not from that area. These Captains do a disservice to others out there by claiming the health of the striped bass. It is just not true.
    X2. Also keep up the pressure on the meatmen thread. I keep fish to but those guys in that thread are just greedy pigs. No other way to describe them. Most of them are charter capts. I forgot who started it but thank you Sir. Also thanks for keeping it open, dark. I hope you never bow to pressure to close it. There has to be something under the freedom of speech act that protects that. I sure hope so. Keep up the good work guys.

  3. #23
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    Mar 2008


    ^^^^^I agree we need to keep the pressure on. Think it was bound to happen. Lots of fishermen comments now but where were those folks when they were having the meetings? Here is a summary or one of our state's meetings to help put it all in perspective.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Central Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
    I think the same as you do.
    Corruption. It disgusts me.
    It bothers me as well. I have noticed something interesting in modern society. There are quite a few discussions on this on the internet. We don't like corruption and are angry about it. When it comes down to mobilizing against it - Pallone, Fote, fisheries management, etc, there are very few who will go to the meetings and speak up. So in a way we are our own worst enemies. Fishermen comprise a big % of the user groups that NOAA and the other management agencies talk about.

    Only a small % have ever been willing to organize and do something to push for real change. And when we do, we are angered by the corruption. If we can get angry about it on the web we should be collectively able to get angry enough to protest against the corruption. This is not a dig at you monty. The same thing happened in the 1980's. It took the federal gov't to do something. By then it was too late and they had to close the striped bass fishery. Wouldn't it be great if we could all act as a collective voice together and influence some real change. My .02

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ocean County,NJ


    NY goes with 2 fish limit also

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    ^^^The target for NY was a 28% reduction. The battles behind the scenes were fierce. I tend to believe some of our fisheries officials are corrupt and can be easily manipulated or bought. This is just speaking from experience with them being slow to action last time and this time as well.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Well then vote the bums out!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I don't know if any of you folks are following the groups on facebook. Some of this talk has gotten ugly. Anyone who talks about conserving stripers or limiting the catch is now called a tree hugger. Same for the people calling for a 32" limit of one. Ugly, ugly. And it will get worse. I predict some angry battles this year between surf fishermen and the boat and charter industry. They keep saying over and over their rights to fish are being stepped on and I just read one capt today saying he doesn't know how it got this way. It got this way because of the greed of the capts putting their fares on the meat day in and day out. They will never admit it. Thats why it's going to get ugly. I really can't believe a capt talking about how he remembers the moratorium in one sentence and in the next sentence saying the regulations today are really unfair. how are they supposed to make a living with all the peta folks jumping on them. Shameless lies.

  9. #29
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    All you have to do is look at the cape may reports for the year. Spring was ok, fall was bad. Where did all the stripers go? Are they all in the raritan bay? Just because you keep repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Long Island,N.Y.


    As far as I'm concerned the party was over 5 years ago.The writing was on the wall very few read the wall, only the honest people suffer for the idiots.Politicians forget them they will not help you,fisheries management will not help you,we can jump up and down all we want the fishery is shot.Economically a moratorium hurts business,but we should have had one at least 3 years ago to actually do something productive.I don't sugar coat anything this is purely my opinion you can throw all the numbers around you want the wrong damn people are counting them and the wrong damn people are making the rules, these regs will only continue to cause a total collapse in the fishery they aren't saving the percentage that is needed year after year they don't care when it's over they don't have to regulate it and their deep pockets will have already been filled.They all just follow suit politicians are all of the same mold get what you can before you get caught and still get to retire with their ridiculous perks.I've done my fair share of meetings and arguing over the last 30 years quite honestly it's a waste of oxygen nowadays.Look over the last 10 years what has really changed?We are out numbered by being conservative fishermen we are doing it to keep peace in our own minds that we are doing the right thing, while millions of others are just crapping on us.Just my .02 cents take it or leave it.
    Cranky Old Bassturd.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Thanks Stix, I agree with you 100%.
    White Water Monty 2.00 (WWM)
    Future Long Islander (ASAP)

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    I agree with surfstix. If we had a moratorium 3 years ago it might have done some good to help the fishery start to recover. With the proposed regulations it will most likely keep getting worse before it gets better.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    You guys make a lot of sense. Why is it we can't understand the consequences until it is too late? I def agree politics has a lot to do with it. They only act when it seems they are looking for re-election. Otherwise the public be damned.

  14. #34
    Join Date
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    Ocean County,NJ

    Default NJ Bag Limit

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    "He suggests going to one fish between April 1 and July 1 when the cows are coming out of the spawn and vulnerable, then going to a two-fish limit through the fall fishery."There are little nuanced things they (the ASMFC) could do to start to save the big breeders, and they're not doing them," he said."

    I wonder why they don't do that? I mean how hard would it be to make it a lower limit during the spawn. I think they are already doing this in the chesapeake, why not nj?

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by seamonkey View Post
    "He suggests going to one fish between April 1 and July 1 when the cows are coming out of the spawn and vulnerable, then going to a two-fish limit through the fall fishery."There are little nuanced things they (the ASMFC) could do to start to save the big breeders, and they're not doing them," he said."

    I wonder why they don't do that? I mean how hard would it be to make it a lower limit during the spawn. I think they are already doing this in the chesapeake, why not nj?
    Because NJ sucks.
    Corruption, greed and ******** everywhere.
    It just disgusts me.
    White Water Monty 2.00 (WWM)
    Future Long Islander (ASAP)

  17. #37
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Jersey


    ^^^^What he said, and the fact that it makes perfect sense to do it. So we won't. That, and the meatmen of raritan bay would cry too much that their livelihood would be crushed.

  18. #38
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ocean County,NJ

    Default NJ Striper Regulations

    The 1 fish 28 to 43 and 1 fish over 43 was turned down as it is written by the ASMF according to my sources.

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  19. #39
    Join Date
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    Long Island,N.Y.


    It should only be one fish period coastal wide no bonus BS.
    Cranky Old Bassturd.

  20. #40
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ocean County,NJ


    I agree but NJ and NY want 2 fish because of the large charter, head boat and out of state people that come to fish for them

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

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