Quote Originally Posted by cowherder View Post
I agree, pfds should be worn when you are close to the water in a rowboat like that. They might have those hot dog type pfds that they use when going out to rescue. And you just could not see them in the picture.
This was a report I read yesterday. With the holiday weekend all boaters need to be aware that there are some out there who don't understand basic safety procedures. Keep an eye out for these folks. Just because you are only fishing in a river doesn't mean you shouldn't take precautions.

Navesink River 7-3
"We did see some scarey small outboards today in places that they never should have been.
One rental from Schupp's had four big guys plodding back against the tide in Sandy Hook Channel. There was little or no freeboard and no one had on a life preserver. One other 19' outboard was loaded with 7 young adults some hanging their feet over the bow rails while the rest were sitting on the sides."