Quote Originally Posted by SharkHart View Post
That was one of my first videos even though it wasnt even video yet. Around 2000 they were still thick and the avg size for a May tiderunner was about 6-9 lbs, a 10 lber was like WHooa, First three weeks of May Everyone was out, most people could catch a few, everyone could catch a few then a few years later they started to get bigger and thinner . 12lb became the new "big" Those day light pics were all between 12 and 13lbs, Then a few more years they got thinner and larger again and everyone in my inner circle got one between 14-15 lbs, the crowds were gone, we 'd make a few thousand casts to catch a couple, the spring window lasted 2-4 days, My 3 best Tiderunner spots i didnt see a single bass caught for a few years around that 2000 time period then, bass started to take over and it was common for 10 to 15 bass to be caught by all fishing there on one tide. Then last year my former A spot i was the only one wading in the darkness up to my chest, last man standing and no tiderunners.
Quote Originally Posted by SharkHart View Post
I miss em. I think we are still a few years off from a total rebound

Fantastic fish and pics thanks for sharing. Really miss them big mamas.