Quote Originally Posted by buckethead View Post
I've been following your reports for years and always enjoying them. Rubber and jigs always seem to produce during the end of the season as it gets colder. Nice going, thanks for sharing the memories.
indeed they do,I suppose that's due to the cooler water.
my guess is they slow down a bit and won't chase much to conserve energy/turn to ambush much more than running down prey.
at times they won't even touch the freshwater sized xrap 14's or 16-a bombers.
then the next night they are all over it.
when using bt's and rubber you make the lure come to them and they attack it as it comes to them or by them.
that's my idea on it.
glad you enjoy the pix,I enjoy sharing them.
ya know something,I actually can remember almost every one of them and where I caught them.