The title of this thread has become even more compelling to me...after seeing the rise in laziness and report chasing on Social Media......For a long time I stopped helping people I met on my trips....realizing it could come back and ruin the fishing and experiences that mean so much to me........

Last year I had a change of heart....and began helping people again......but only in certain situations, when it seemed to me...they had that "spark".....that thirst for knowledge......It was something that I found absent from a majority of social media....folks more concerned with the "where" than the "why"......

It was refreshing to see it resurface again in some of the many interactions I had out there with New anglers who wanted to learn.......enough to give me renewed interest in I hope to help a select few hard workers this year......time permitting....

In fact, some of the richest experiences I had last year......were helping others....If a gruff, crabby, grouchy old fart......helped some of ya's to catch a fish or two last year...when you were struggling....that might have been me.
I'll try to share some of those stories when I get a chance.......