Bill is a standup guy. Met him several times out East at night. Very simple in what he says but meaningful. I agree. My fall was poor as well and I fish all over LI. The problem is, for every guy like Bill trying to explain with honest words, you have the Captree idiots exaggerating for business. Read the words below carefully. It is apparent to me the Capt who posted them is brazenly hyping it up. People read that and they tend to believe.

" After finding a few fish on our last two drifts this morning we went back to that area this afternoon and had an absolute striper bail job with easy fullboatlimits and catch and release... I mean we were in the secret spot ( LOL ). The bass got bigger as the day went on BASS to 30 pounds.Great day memorable and unforgettable to have bass on every cast. We released more bass than we caught the last 3 years keeping only the Limit for the boat....."