Trying to cut down on the long winded posts....LOL...if anyone reading this...thinks the guy behind the words is especially're absolutely right.....I'm in a sad mood today....and have stopped giving handouts...and fishing those to reach out to me just for that purpose....I caught a few hundred fish this year....some decent ones when everyone else went home for the night...but haven't been able to fish as much as I used to...not 1 of my fish.... has ended up on Social Media....and won't end up on Social media......
My circle of trusted friends and family is now a lot smaller....

and forgive me, but I'm especially bummed today...because yesterday, Willy, who had become a personal friend and mentor to of the old school fishermen who really cared..One of THE strongest fighters for striped bass... that I know......passed on....

His death has given me a new energy that I didn't know I had...and given me a keep fighting to raise awareness about the Striped Bass Fishery and Shrinking Biomass....whether people like the facts I present or not......I will not be silenced....and will fight with my last honor of Willy, whom would not give up the fight...until poor health took over......

That being said....
There is a wealth of good conservation and biomass facts and anecdotes on this site.....
This site has good SEO...and is still worth keeping going...(to me)