Thanks and good suggestions guys, keep em coming....

Quote Originally Posted by storminsteve View Post
Learn one beach at a time-
I think one of the things you told me is to learn one beach at a time. I am amazed at the subtleties you get into, the level of detail in your thinking. Your advice to me the other night was spot on. I am beginning to think you can see them under water.
Steve, that's part of my problem, part of the addiction. I have gotten to know the places I fish like the back of my hand. I really have a sense of where they might be when I'm casting. There are times when I'm home at night, and the winds and the tides will be such that I feel the fish are calling me.. I'm compelled to be out there, whether I catch or not, because the conditions compel me to......

Once you get to that point, a good surfcaster looks to travel to different areas and apply what they have learned to these new places, making note of conditions that are similar and trying to see if the fish will be there as well.


How many times have you been out there, and praying for a fish?.....

"Lord Save me from the Skunk...."

It's 3am....
you've been fishing all night....

Your body is soaked with sweat....
Been hit by a few waves...each time reminding you how good it feels to be alive....and out there fishin......

You're casting, and casting.....
Not a tap.........

You put in a Prayer to King Neptune....
even that doesn't work....

So you say the words, out loud..or maybe you mutter them under your breath.....Lord, save me from the Skunk...."

You continue casting and casting....
Some casts, you actually close your eyes,,,,trying to sense, when a fish may be near the end of your line......

And Finally..... you get that hit.....
The one you've been waiting for, at the end of your line.....

Your Adrenalin pumps up.....
The groggy half-asleep head on your shoulders shakes itself into action....
Your fingers and arms, instinctively know what to do......
Your hookset is solid.....
and you have that one fish...that you asked save you from the Skunk....