Quote Originally Posted by surfstix1963 View Post
Easier for sure but sometimes can still test your patience I would suggest buying extra belly,nose & tail grommets because when you drop them as I often do I usually find them a month later.The belly grommet is a.273 nose is.325 and the kits come w/.325 tail grommets I like the .425 if you want to know where I got them PM me.If you don't want to buy the extras make sure you keep them safe until you need them.

1:I give them a quick sanding when I get them w/150 grit(some of the kits you need to be careful you don't sand to much especially the new Darter kit)You will also need for some kits long 1/8" and 5/32 bits sand them down and proceed to sealing(everybody does something different Val oil,BLO,epoxy,tung oil etc. )Its up to you.
3epending on how you sealed them they may need different drying times I wait 2 weeks for the val oil after they come out and get the excess wiped off.The only caution I can give about val oil or any oil is don't soak them long or you will have anchors that oil soaks in the open wood pores very quick.5-10 mins.

4:When dry you can prime them I use KILZ(red label)in the spray cans a couple coats(dry in between coats)then let that dry a couple of days so it stays on when you sand it again or you can do the dip method I'd rather spray the extra coats.
5:Then you can paint them once you get the desired finish I don't like to go much past a 220 grit finish or the paint will not want to stick well rattle cans hand paint airbrush is up to you.(let the paint dry this is a must.)
6:After the paint has dried a topcoat if you like is the next step(epoxy 30 min.I like Devcon hate locktite or you can use Etex which you can get in a craft store I've used both and I think warmed epoxy is better,Etex is easier to apply but a PITA to mix properly it has to be dead on or it will not dry it also has to be put on a spinner although I spin my epoxy to so it doesn't sag ,thin coats are the best way to do it heavy coats will just run or chip off when banged around I do one coat let dry then I assemble the grommets and swivels don't forget to put the swivels on the wire before you put the wire through to do your wraps(my favorite part no matter what I always have extra prebent wire around there are many ways to do it and I've tried them all its just a PITA for me and probably if you asked most guys they would tell you wire bending _ucks especially after you go through all that work and the wire chips the paint and epoxy off Do not try and get the wire too tight against the back of the plug just enough so it doesn't spin around to tight will crack the plug also make sure the nose loop is facing the way you need it to be before making the tailloop wraps
7:If you make it this far your on your way I'm still steering clear of the lathe right now.Well if you have any questions give a shout I'll try and help ya out no expert here so take that into consideration.

Nice work Monty.Can I stop now and buy yours.
surfstix salty is selling his lure shop for 100,001 i think hes done thats what i heard