I know boat fish don't count but all kidding aside, there were no fish or birds from Monmouth to shark river inlet HEAD BOATS STRUCK OUT BIG TIME. We left them and made a run and finally found some. I ended the morning with 8 fish to 12# all still swimming. My friend who has the new(2012) 28' Regulator had 5 TO 11#.

Scary part there are no big or small fish around everything is 29 to 36".
Sad part is these fish are all spawning size and haven't spawned yet and very few are thrown back,these are the last of the breeders.

The major schools are 1 1/2 to 2 miles off very very little inside 50'. The bait out there you could walk on in spots did not mark or see any sand eels, 99% herring. The death wish Kayak crew were 2 miles out many you couldn't see in the swell and chop,they are not going to be happy until someone gets killed and restrictions are put into effect.