Quote Originally Posted by J Barbosa View Post
Its very important for beginners and experiences kayakers both to KNOW YOUR LIMITS!

A critical part of every trip should be a self-assessment of yourself and the conditions out there.....
When was the last trip you took?
Are you rusty or not as conditioned as you usually are?

These and many other considerations you stated should be part of a mental checklist that a kayaker asks himself before every trip. As the water temps drop, so does survival time if you get in trouble out there.......

Another thing that should be considered seriously is foggy/misty conditions...as you mentioned....

Quote Originally Posted by J Barbosa View Post
Fellow yakkers please use some common sense. No good minded person would launch a yak out front in Sundays fog. You don't want shark harts uncle or fin chaser running you over...

Fin mentioned to me he was out that day as well.

1. The Coast Guard had to come and do a sea rescue for some yakkers who got into distress and didn't know which way shore was.....

This could very easily have become a disaster and a fatal tragedy.

2. Another important point is to always have a kayak flag if you are out there in poor lighting or on the ocean. There is a group of kayakers, led by a misguided soul, who has repeatedly come out and minimized the use or safety features of flags, and argued on the internet with others about it. I don't want to start further resentments here, so I'll just end with this statement.....

**There are quite a few boaters who feel kayak flags should be mandatory.
They feel with poor visibility in rough seas, they are afraid that one day they will hit a kayaker by accicent.
This could result in tragedy, even death.
It's about time that we start policing ourselves, start promoting better safety out there, before the Legislators are forced to do it for us.....

The arguments about the efficiency and accident prevention of using a flag, or not launching in fog or poor conditions, will be rendered pointless, if someone dies out there....
While this hasn't happened yet......I feel that it will, eventually, if these issues are not taken more seriously.
Thanks for reading.....

Good thread John...thanks for starting it.