What awesome shares here. I was bored today and read over some of the posts very helpful. I wanted to ask your guys' opinion on something. In SJersey we have a LOT of spearing. You can usually find them near any lighted bulkhead, marina, creek mouth, etc. Last few nights have been makeing some stops on the way home from work. I noticed a lot of spearing at almost every place I stopped at. This one place, with a deep water harbor nearby was a little different. There were these larger and thicker fish mixed in with the spearing. I would say they were 6-9 inches long and about twice the thickness of the spearing. If I didn't know better I would think they were snapper blues or mullet! But that's not really possible this time of year.
I could only view them from on top and the water was so windy I could not get a clear pic of them. Was wondering what you guys thought they might be?
Could herring be in the harbors like that? I thought they only go in the rivers and larger creeks? thank you for thoughts.