About ready to move forward with some more posts in this thread.....
I've decided to break it down into 5 main areas.....

1. The getting ready, the Preparation...the aches, pains, and sacrifices some of us make,,,,the committment to be out there...while the fish are there.....and the toll it takes on our bodies.....

2. The Sights, the Smells, the Sounds...of the lifestyle....(you know I'll be focusing a lot, on the Smells.... )

3. The Bite, the Action.....the one fish, or the few fish, that you get to see, lose, or catch,,,,and keep you coming back again and again...until that bite is dead, and you must move on to another area...for anyone who has addictive tendencies,,,you understand what I'm talking about....you don't have a choice...you need that action....and you search for it...till you are out of energy....there are times you become Obsessed...because you know it's not guaranteed...and if you are lucky enough to find it....it could last for hours, days, weeks...but the likelihood,,,is that it may last for hours, if you are lucky.....and that's all you get.....

4. The Fish.....some of the biggest fish of the year, will be caught when the bite is strongest....and having spent time out there....if you want one....the Fish Wait for No One.....

5. The Thrill of Victory, and the Agony of Defeat......Why some of us push ourselves....
And some cautionary warnings of how it can affect your life negatively.....if you let it....Segue into the Dark Side of Surf Fishing....