I was 12 years old and out on my Dad's friends boat with my brother and my Dad's friends son. We launched out in Port Jeff Harbor and went into the Sound until the engine started giving us trouble. He turned it around and was making his way back to the ramp when the motor quit.

There was a strong west wind blowing that pushed us all the way across the harbor. We were just happy the wind was strong enough to push us out of the way of the oncoming ferry. Horns blowing and everything. Probably didn't make it any better that three kids were screaming their heads off.

It eventually pushed us on shore. The motor had to be tilted up because we were in very shallow water that stretched about 30 or so feet into the harbor from shore.

Eventually he got the motor running and then told all of us to get out and push. Not thinking about it we all did. Barefoot. I have never been pinched by so many crabs in my life. There were spider crabs EVERYWHERE.

With our bleeding feet we all got back in and made our way to the launch. A total of four hours being stuck and not a fish to show for it.