Good points, Jigfreak. I think that the way things are in life, and fishing as well, people learn things when they're ready...for example, I knew drugs and alcohol were bad for me, ruining my life, but was not ready to make a change, even though so many people tried to have conversations with me....

Nothing worked, till I was ready....and some folks are not at the point where they want to put it all out there and give their all to truly is hard when you first enter the game...and continues to be a challenge for those of us who love to do it....there are always obstacles in your way that you must oercome...but thanks for sharing your's appreciated...

How hard do you try, before you give up?....
Surfwalker and I were having this conversation the other day... we talked about the "one last cast" being 10 last casts... and if we're not catching, trying every last thing we can think of, before we're willing to leave for home.

I met a fisherman I was impressed with a few weeks ago...
To begin with, it was a snotty and cold night..hardly anyone out there I got there he said he had limited action.....We fished together and each got a few until the tide diminished....but on his way home, he stopped every few feet to cast and cast...and ended up picking up 2 more small bass this way....

Some might not be impressed by this, but to me, it showed me someone who has that determination and winning mindset....not willing to take leave of the fishing psychologically until his footsteps are at the door of his the game till the very end....yup, to me those are admirable qualities...

I usually am happy to fish by myself because I really like the solitude...

This fisherman I know, you will never see him on the internet or weighing in a fish,,,,yet during the hottest part of the bite in Jan, he nailed a bass that he estimated to be 35#, length and girth calculations...(estimated because he never weighed it in...doesn't need or want the glory...)

And the determination and persistence demonstrated in the way he fishes, means that I don't mind running into someone that dedicated out there at night....he really seems to understand what it takes to get that trophy fish, when they are there....