Great and timely topic ledhead. I have lost count of all the times I have come upon a kayaker in rough water and not been able to see them because the swells are too big. They bob up and down like a cork in the ocean. How easy would it be to spot a cork out there? Well I feel the same way about a kayak. I think bright colors are a plus. Anyone fishing a busy area should have a yellow or brightly colored one, red etc. Flags should be an absolute must.

Licensing is a great idea. With all the revenue the state is claiming to have lost since sandy this would be a great one. License all the kayaks in the state and you would be up a few million at least. Don't make it too much. $50 a year sounds like a good start. Kayaks particpate in the same environment that we boaters do, with the Coast Guard, etc, being called in if there is a rescue needed. Why should they be free riders? That was the point that I agree with most , if we have to pay every year to register our boats why not kayaks? I also agree it is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident where a boater hits a kayak. Then there will be hell to pay. Better to be pro active and start to regulate them now as it is already out of hand.