My Lord you guys are harsh!
I'll pray for ya's...... that your sins be forgiven.

Fin..... you and the OFFC already inducted me into the Old Farts Club....ya can't revoke membership if I haven't committed any violations!.....check those by-laws and get back to me.....

Those who know me know that I'm finally starting to make some $$....that has to come first.....for many years my priorities suffered because I would drop everything to stay on a bite once I found one and come back to exploit it......
I really screwed up my life doing that.......yeah I caught lots of fish....good memories.........there is wreckage in my life...I'm still paying for....because of that obsession to be on the fish when they were around...or travel to where they were thickest....

I also spent a lot of my spare time and money driving around the East Coast...going to fisheries management meetings...fighting for all the fishermen out access......landmark access cases.....

I sometimes ask myself what nice fishing gear I could have had....if I did not go to those meetings, fight those fights...and spent the $$ on myself....instead of fighting for others.....but Fin and his lunatic rantings really helped to change my perspective on things...and committment to raising awareness....
So I don't really regret that part.
...though I am poorer for it is what it is...

I realize you're only busting my balls.....
It's all has motivated me a bit....
My life right what it is....
And thanks for the ball busting....I would tell ya's to go eff yourselves...but some who don't know me...might take it the wrong way...

So feel free to keep it up......Good job....
One day soon those half-senile old basstids Monty and Fin will eat their words...that's all I'll say for now...