View Full Version : Dead stuff found while fishing (beware gross picture)

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06-26-2010, 02:14 PM
I have found 3 dead, decayed bass in an area that I have not seen dead bass before. One each of the past 3 weeks. One about 30 inches, another huge, 50 inches and FAT, the other mid 40 inches at least. Fished same areas for years and never remember seeing them before. Anyone else notice more dead bass this year? Was bay side.

06-26-2010, 02:25 PM
Pretty common when it's hot people don't have coolers or ice ,fish go bad,they take a picture and dis-guard the fish. All the marina's by me got fed up with it and now don't allow throwing any fish or parts in water ,they must be bagged and put in a dumpster. Many people also realize the bigger fish are not really great to eat so after the tackle shop picture they dump the fish. Pretending to forget the fish and leaving them on the dock after a picture is also becoming an issue. Welcome to the new generation of bass fishermen.

06-27-2010, 07:08 AM
Could be night time bunker raids tight to the beach and they beach themselves seen that several times in a spring spot I fished although fin probably has a more accurate description.

06-27-2010, 07:45 AM
If you have no cooloer or bags or ice to bring them home then THROW THEM BACK. They should be practicing catch and release with the big girls anyhow.

06-27-2010, 01:55 PM
I'll never understand how people can waste a fish like that. Hey if you want to eat it, that's fine, but throwing away a big breeder because you didn't think about how you were going to ice it down is awesomely selfish.

06-27-2010, 03:34 PM
I'll never understand how people can waste a fish like that. Hey if you want to eat it, that's fine, but throwing away a big breeder because you didn't think about how you were going to ice it down is awesomely selfish.
Its really unthinkable what some people do, did not see any dead bass today (first time after the 3 straight weeks). Was wading out ocean side around 2:00 AM and noticed a bunker between my legs. I moved 10 feet and it pretty much followed me. Would not leave me for 15 minutes:eek:. Finally I reached down and grabbed it. It was dead, with hook and line that wrapped my wader foot.
Story has nothing to do with thread, except the bunker was dead.

06-28-2010, 03:14 PM
I'll never understand how people can waste a fish like that. Hey if you want to eat it, that's fine, but throwing away a big breeder because you didn't think about how you were going to ice it down is awesomely selfish.

What he said, the waste of fish is shameful.

06-28-2010, 03:30 PM
It was dead, with hook and line that wrapped my wader foot.
Story has nothing to do with thread, except the bunker was dead.

Sorry Monty, no offense intended. Your post put the line from pulp fiction in my head.:d

06-28-2010, 07:25 PM
Zeds dead.
Awesome scene.

Sorry Monty, no offense intended. Your post put the line from pulp fiction in my head.:d

06-29-2010, 08:35 AM
The gill netters and bunker netters do that too. I have seen a line of dead bass up to a mile long, bass 15-25 lbs, all floating dead, after the bunker boats come through. I think there is a thread called 4 miles of dead bass on this site as well. Like you, it makes me sick to see it.

07-21-2010, 09:49 PM
Some pics I took in the middle of june. It's hard to tell because of the decomposition but the bass had a huge gut, maybe about 25lbs or better. Laying on the beach a week after a bunker snagging orgy.


08-08-2010, 01:09 PM
I have been fishing salt water off and on for 15 years (last 4 normally on the water a minimum 1x per week April to December). Fishing a few spots so I get familiar with them.
Over the previous years I have "found/noticed" one or two dead stripers and the same for blues. A few years back I saw a dead sturgeon, 3:00 AM one time found half a deer on the water line on a beach. Lots of dead sea robins, a few skates (hate it when people kill for no reason).
This year has been different for me. Its only half way over and I have "found/noticed" three dead stripers and a dolphin.
One of the stripers I am thinking was close to 50 inches, another 40 and the other around 32". The Dolphin had to be at least 8 feet long. I have no idea how the stripers died, but the dolphin had a huge piece of meat displaced and I am guessing propeller maybe.
Sucks seeing dead things out there.
Added a pic of one of our cats so there is a little cuteness in this post (cat still alive).






08-09-2010, 08:42 AM
monty nice looken kitty

08-09-2010, 02:01 PM
Yep Monty that definitely looks like a prop slice to the dolphin, sad to see. :don't know why:

Pebbles and I found a sea turtle with a prop slice last year, I'll link that video to this thread.


08-09-2010, 09:11 PM
monty nice looken kitty
Cats are great.

Finding that dead dolphin was a bummer, bummed me out for a good hour out there, felt bad for it, actually stopped fishing for a good 30 minutes.
Read somewhere that this dolphin may have been dead for at least a good 10 days, a boater mentioned it somewhere, saw it belly up. Description had the same damage to the internal organ.
I hate seeing this stuff.

08-10-2010, 12:35 PM
I hooked a seagull once. He went after my popper. I tried reeling him in but, it kept screaming like I was hurting it everytime I pulled gently. Ijust cut the line. I hope a boater saw him and helped him out. I have untangled birds in the past that were already on the beach.

08-10-2010, 12:55 PM
rip316 that was good that you tried to help the gull out. It's not always possible to get them unhooked, but if you don't, they risk death from the line, especially if you use braid. I try to always have a towel with me in case this happens. No matter how much they scream, try not to pay attention to them. Bring them as close as you can. Keep them on or near to the ground. Then, when they are within arm's reach, put the towel over their head and grasp firmly. They should stop moving or at least calm down a bit when that happens. I found a gull near some pilings one time that was so tangled in braid he couldn't fly. We brought him in, covered with a towel, snipped the braid, and he was good as new.

08-10-2010, 09:44 PM
CT Good story, great deed.
I have hooked one bird (successful release ).

rip316 that was good that you tried to help the gull out. It's not always possible to get them unhooked, but if you don't, they risk death from the line, especially if you use braid. I try to always have a towel with me in case this happens. No matter how much they scream, try not to pay attention to them. Bring them as close as you can. Keep them on or near to the ground. Then, when they are within arm's reach, put the towel over their head and grasp firmly. They should stop moving or at least calm down a bit when that happens. I found a gull near some pilings one time that was so tangled in braid he couldn't fly. We brought him in, covered with a towel, snipped the braid, and he was good as new.

08-13-2010, 07:44 PM
Thanx Monty!
i found some weird things too, last october i found this.

08-14-2010, 10:42 AM
That almost looks like the Montauk monster, Lenny.:scared:

08-14-2010, 04:03 PM
I think it was a sea sunfish!

08-15-2010, 10:42 AM
I do know the towel trick. This particular bird hit my plug as soon as it landed. Pretty far out. I couldn't get him in. Trust me, I felt really bad.

08-22-2010, 02:13 PM
Another dead thing today, ocean side.
I think I got LennyD beat with this one..:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Turtle or alien?


08-22-2010, 07:58 PM
I think you found the Montauk Monster, Jersey style! :laugh: :HappyWave:

08-22-2010, 08:11 PM
Should have put my rod next to it for size comparison, but I was afraid of it......
Was a good 6 feet long at least.
Imagine standing in the water at 2:30 AM and this bumps into you :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

I think you found the Montauk Monster, Jersey style! :laugh: :HappyWave:

10-14-2010, 06:16 PM
^^Scary stuff!

Something I found

10-17-2010, 10:10 AM
Wow so are some intense pictures.:eek:

Makes you wonder what strange creatures roam our seas and attack.

Are you sure the kitty was locked inside on some of those days?:d

10-17-2010, 04:03 PM
Great thread.

I wish I have a picture but definitely off all the dead things I've seen surfcasting this one took the cake: a leatherback turtle that had to weigh several hundred pounds or more at Block Island this year. It was simply enormous and stank up the beach pretty bad. It had a big gouge in the neck area so either it was attacked by a shark or got hit by a propellor. You would need a bulldozer or a crane just to move the thing off the beach. :eek:

It looked intimidating enough that my buds and I kept a safe respectful distance from it.

11-15-2010, 12:18 PM
Should have put my rod next to it for size comparison, but I was afraid of it......
Was a good 6 feet long at least.

That thing is huge Monty, maybe the remains of an ocean sunfish?

Here is something I found up at the Hook a little while ago. Looks like some kind of large sea bass that came from the netters, or maybe a small sunfish, it was about 3' long.


11-18-2010, 10:03 PM
Wow freaky stuff guys! Plugcrazy that thing looks like an ocean sunfish to me, but the mouth part is confusing, it almost looks like a beak or curved jaw. Monty, in the middle of the bottom pic you took, it kind of looks like a turtle's head, but that thing is too big to be a turtle. It's almost like some aliens were experimenting and dumped the body out of thier spacecraft when done.

12-19-2010, 04:35 PM
Plugcrazy and Monty those are exotic finds. The only thing I found this year was a dead bluefish while walking the dog at the summer house in LBI.

05-30-2011, 01:36 PM
Fishing an area I have fished for 15 years. Have never found 3 dead bass at one time. Used to never see a dead bass there. Last year more than ever, this year already ahead of last year. Middle pic has a fish in belly?

06-01-2011, 12:29 AM
Looks like it could be a weakfish in the middle.

06-13-2011, 12:58 PM
Found this on the net, a guy took a pic of this dead sturgeon at IBSP today.

06-13-2011, 05:11 PM

06-16-2011, 09:18 AM

06-17-2011, 01:57 PM
xtremevisions, that has the wings of a sea robin but the coloration of a dogfish. Must have been dead for quite some time. Was there a stink coming from it?

06-17-2011, 07:10 PM
No stink..shark washed up while i was fishing..eyes gone and the insides then i ran across the wings so i got creative as i was bored out my mind for hrs!

06-17-2011, 10:23 PM
So you put parts together from 2 creatures to make that?:scared: Awesome! Long Island has the Montauk Monster, we now have the Amboy Monster!:kicknuts:

06-18-2011, 02:35 AM
That was on sandy hook.

06-18-2011, 09:52 AM
That was on sandy hook.

Well it's still cool you can call it the sandy hook monster then!:scared:

06-18-2011, 08:25 PM
Hey I think it's got more class than the Montauk monster, it has to be, it's from Joisey! Anyone have any pics of the Montauk Monster for comparison?

06-18-2011, 09:51 PM
Anyone have any pics of the Montauk Monster for comparison?


06-18-2011, 09:55 PM
Montauk monster, awesome scary.:scared:
Sandy Hook monster, moderately scary.:headbang:

You NJ guys, moderately scary.:laugh: :HappyWave: :moon:

06-24-2011, 04:01 PM
That was damn creative xtremevisions, We really do need a saltwater creature we can call our own. We have the jersey devil, but that's for the pineys, need something for the surf, good thinking!
Here are some big dead bluefish I found up at Sandy Hook.

06-30-2011, 12:17 PM
Big dead bass June 2011...
Over 50#, around 5' long....
It's hard to get a perspective of how big this thing was without having some frame of reference to size it up against, but it was dead, and it was BIG!

Sent in by Fin, thanks!


06-30-2011, 12:31 PM
looks like a fillet and release lol.

08-27-2011, 10:06 PM
Cow nose


09-01-2011, 10:29 PM
Well it's still cool you can call it the sandy hook monster then!:scared:

Found this in the parking lot there this summer.
Sandy Hook Squirrel frisbee?

09-08-2011, 04:35 PM
Check this out.


11-20-2011, 12:58 PM
buckethead that one is nasty. looks like he got the **** squeezed out of him!

11-20-2011, 01:02 PM
lonely dead spider crab

11-20-2011, 02:41 PM
Fiddle about, fiddle about.

11-20-2011, 04:50 PM
haha if you look at that crab there is 2 small lights in the back top left that looks its the momma crab coming to kill you! lol

12-09-2011, 01:23 PM
Not on the beach, in a dumpster, but gross anyway.
If you look close you can see the maggots eating it.

12-16-2011, 02:04 PM
stormin steve, that is just nasty!

Bird stew anyone?

12-20-2011, 03:17 PM
crosseyed bass, it's the cycle of life, maggots have to eat too!

05-31-2012, 07:32 PM
This is a special delivery for monty, since he likes dead things so much.

06-30-2012, 10:23 AM
Love this thread, keep those pics coming!

06-30-2012, 10:54 AM

One from the early season. Left on the beach after a bluefish blitz.

06-30-2012, 11:04 AM
Some fish lost their insides, lol!

10-10-2012, 10:06 PM

One from the early season. Left on the beach after a bluefish blitz.

Heavens to murgatroyd skinner, that is dis-gusting! (do you have any more like that?)

10-11-2012, 01:15 PM
Dark oh wait he just smells dead :ROFLMAO:HappyWave:

10-11-2012, 05:08 PM
^ :2flip: :moon: Take that ya grouchy basstid..... :kiss: :laugh:

10-18-2012, 08:12 PM
The latest find, headless torso....


10-26-2012, 04:06 PM
The birds had a good dinner, picked this clean!


10-26-2012, 05:18 PM
Steve you really are good at finding those dead things, lol

10-26-2012, 07:11 PM
Steve you really are good at finding those dead things, lol
Seems Steve has really found a lot of dead stuff the past year, would have thought he would have found that headless torso instead of Dark :don't know why: .

10-27-2012, 03:20 PM
I resent that Monty...I can find dead things too, just as well as the next guy.....:moon: :laugh: :HappyWave: I do agree...Steve has somewhat of a talent....not an admirable one...:ROFLMAO...but a talent nonetheless. Steve you know I'm just busting balls...really do appreciate your pics and bizarre humor......:thumbsup:

10-27-2012, 06:38 PM
Look at you guys you are bickering over who posts more pics of dead things. Mental! Keep em coming!:headbang:

10-27-2012, 06:54 PM
Look at you guys you are bickering over who posts more pics of dead things. Mental! Keep em coming!:headbang:
I found lots of dead stuff in 2010. Almost nothing in 2012. Steve is like zoned in on finding dead stuff. Dark finds one headless torso and thinks he's like Dead Stuff Finding King :HappyWave: .

Suspense........Urghh :ROFLMAO

10-27-2012, 06:55 PM
:cool:Dead stuff - always cool. Unless you wake up in bed next to a dead person. Then you might go to jail for that.

10-27-2012, 07:04 PM
I found lots of dead stuff in 2010. Almost nothing in 2012. Steve is like zoned in on finding dead stuff. Dark finds one headless torso and thinks he's like Dead Stuff Finding King :HappyWave: .

Suspense........Urghh :ROFLMAO

:clapping:You guys sound like you're 5 years old. lol.
3 5 year olds on the playground:

"Well I found a dead rat"

"Well I found a dead cat with a rat in its mouth!"

"Well I found a dead cat, stuck in a horrible position, there was a dead rat attached to it in coitus interrupti, with onset of rigor mortis. Can you top that?"
Ni**** please!:beatin:

10-28-2012, 01:43 AM
:cool:Dead stuff - always cool. Unless you wake up in bed next to a dead person. Then you might go to jail for that.

Ha ha, x2!

12-31-2012, 04:41 PM
Not quite dead but I thought it was kind of cool with the fish bones:)


12-31-2012, 04:44 PM
I found lots of dead stuff in 2010. Almost nothing in 2012. Steve is like zoned in on finding dead stuff. Dark finds one headless torso and thinks he's like Dead Stuff Finding King :HappyWave: .

Suspense........Urghh :ROFLMAO

I am the dead stuff finding king. Both of you two best not forget it!:viking::HappyWave:

01-06-2013, 07:53 PM
I found this around Mid Sept. finally got it out of my camera. I think it a sturgeon maybe near 6 ft long. It was missing a tail.


01-07-2013, 11:57 AM
Wow that is awesome vpass! thanks for sharing I think you knocked monty out of contention in the dead stuff contest with that.:laugh: I'm going to have to pay special attention walking the beaches now to ramp up my game - anyone know where there is a dead whale I can take a pic of?:scared:

01-07-2013, 10:41 PM
Wow that is awesome vpass! thanks for sharing I think you knocked monty out of contention in the dead stuff contest with that.:laugh: I'm going to have to pay special attention walking the beaches now to ramp up my game - anyone know where there is a dead whale I can take a pic of?:scared:

Vpass nice pic:thumbsup:, that's a big one.....but just because I had one slow year with dead things does not mean I can't stumble across dead things with the best of them....My 2010 dead stuff findings was phenomenal .

01-07-2013, 11:10 PM
^^ I was trying not to intervene in this thread, Monty...but the entertainment value is compelling.....:laugh: :HappyWave:

You are all bickering over who is the king of dead thiings? :scared:
I have to tell you all that it took me several tries to type this post....I had tears of laughter streaming down my face, and almost fell off the chair.....

I think buckethead really nailed this one......:thumbsup:

but it's all good, entertaining as hell....so feel free to carry on.....:kooky: :clapping: :thumbsup:

** Just so no one can accuse me of favoritism, I say that I look forward to your dead things posts from ALL in 2013...me finding that headless torso at Sandy Hook was a rare thing....so I hope one of you can possibly do better than that....but please don't find any dead human bodies....animal or fish only......:ROFLMAO

01-07-2013, 11:27 PM
I want to be a king of dead things too! The name sounds real cool and it almost rhymes.

01-08-2013, 06:26 AM
I want to be a king of dead things too! The name sounds real cool and it almost rhymes.

^^ I was trying not to intervene in this thread, Monty...but the entertainment value is compelling.....:laugh: :HappyWave:

You are all bickering over who is the king of dead things? :scared:

I'm some what satisfied with being the sun rise pic king (after some thought it would be more fun hooked up with fish than snapping a pic of an orange ball rising over the horizon), but when storminsteve :HappyWave: starts posting smack about dead stuff it just gets those competitive feelings going. And I'm mostly an anti-dead person (no guns, not a zombi fan, almost 100% C and R ......used to be against the death penalty, do have a few nice knives:thumbsup:).

01-25-2013, 09:43 AM
:idea: If I could find them It might put me in the lead / top contender of king of dead stuff.:2flip:

And what an important category that is, Vpass, the King of Dead Stuff.....:kooky: :ROFLMAO:clapping: :clapping: :thumbsup:
I know some of ya's will be vying for it this year....but only one can be King.....:laugh:
Good luck to all.......:HappyWave:

01-25-2013, 01:47 PM
.but only one can be King.....:laugh:

when there can only be one King, you know there will be competition. You made is sound so attractive I may think about posting some pics of dead stuff. Will there be trophies or other awards? How about a plaque proclaiming the winner to be King of Dead Things and a Regular?:ROFLMAO
sort of like a 2 for one award. Because I might post up, if that were the case.

04-08-2013, 07:35 PM

My daughter and I came across this goat while walking the beach yesterday

04-08-2013, 08:17 PM
Guess there will be no more goats milk from that one lol. Give this guy a trophy I think he's already in the top 3 for the year.:thumbsup:

04-08-2013, 08:31 PM
My daughter and I came across this goat while walking the beach yesterday


Excellent dead thing find :thumbsup:

I have been out fishing 2x so far this year and everything I have seen is alive.

04-08-2013, 08:58 PM
Looks like things are shaping up with some intense competition. Nicely done madcaster

04-08-2013, 09:10 PM
Man if I knew there was a competition ...I would have take pic's of a seal I found ....it was bad ...the smell alone kelp me 25 ft away.

04-08-2013, 09:34 PM

My daughter and I came across this goat while walking the beach yesterday

Man if I knew there was a competition ...I would have take pic's of a seal I found ....it was bad ...the smell alone kelp me 25 ft away.

:clapping::clapping::clapping:Kudos for such an unusual find. It blows away dark's dubious human torso find. This thing is real. It's scary, You can see death jump out of the picture when you look at it.
As for the seal, you found a dead seal and did not take a pic?????????? A thousand lashes for you my man. How do we know you're not making it up?:laugh: :HappyWave:

04-08-2013, 10:03 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping:Kudos for such an unusual find. It blows away dark's dubious human torso find. This thing is real. It's scary, You can see death jump out of the picture when you look at it.
Agree its a great pic.
Its not going to be easy beating a dead goat on a beach.
Extremely impressive.

05-12-2013, 12:15 AM
ok monty you're up to bat - this was technically not on the beach but on a road near the parking lot I'm still entering it!:HappyWave:


05-12-2013, 12:34 AM
Ouch that deer definitely had a bad hair day.

05-12-2013, 03:48 PM
Monty where are you? I found some more dead stuff this morning I'll give you a cnance to get with the program first before I post it. Got dead pics?

05-12-2013, 03:49 PM
Ouch that deer definitely had a bad hair day.

haha either that or a bad case of indigestion!

05-12-2013, 04:01 PM
Steve you are such a dead pic tease post them up

05-12-2013, 04:21 PM
Monty where are you? I found some more dead stuff this morning I'll give you a cnance to get with the program first before I post it. Got dead pics?
When I fish I walk miles, cover lots of area.
I am in a major Dead Stuff slump.
Just so you know, this morning while fishing I thought of you as I was in an area where I have found numerous dead things over the years and I searched the area and came up empty. I was feeling the pressure and just came up empty, the skunk for dead things again....Saw a bunch of dead stuff on the roads on the way home (numerous cats, dog, possum, squirrels, a deer, a big frieking bird), but I can't find a dead thing while fishing for the life of me now. Heck of a deer you found, congrats on that....but parking lot dead things don't count (just like fish caught from a boat). I'll break out of this slump soon and in a big way, I can feel it (I have a week off at the end of the month (finding dead stuff while fishing is close to the top of the to do list during that week)).

05-12-2013, 04:29 PM
When I fish I walk miles, cover lots of area.
I am in a major Dead Stuff slump.
Just so you know, this morning while fishing I thought of you as I was in an area where I have found numerous dead things over the years and I searched the area and came up empty. I was feeling the pressure and just came up empty, the skunk for dead things again....Saw a bunch of dead stuff on the roads on the way home (numerous cats, dog, possum, squirrels, a deer, a big frieking bird), but I can't find a dead thing while fishing for the life of me now. Heck of a deer you found, congrats on that....but parking lot dead things don't count (just like boat fish) I'll break out of this slump soon and in a big way, I can feel it (I have a week off at the end of the month (finding dead stuff while fishing is close to the top of the to do list during that week)).

lol you guys are funny. Maybe I will find something too I like this contest!

05-22-2013, 09:09 PM
It was burried and had some furry stuff sticking out of the sand ...I thought it was a peice of carpet. Turn out to be a cat . Must be from Sandy

05-23-2013, 11:58 AM
Madcaster in the top running for the 2013 prize.....:clapping:
Sugar Ray Monty ;) better get to work on some pics or he will soon be out of the running.....:) :HappyWave:

What was the prize again? I have been getting so confused lately, maybe it's dementia creeping in....Nice find there....
BTW casted one of those needles you made me the other afternoon....
No fish yet but after I hang a white bucktail on the end I think I may be able to hang a fish or 2...will keep ya posted, and thanks for the plugs and thinking of me..... :thumbsup: :HappyWave:

05-23-2013, 12:31 PM
^^^^^Yeah MC if you would have chopped the head off before snapping the shot it could have been another montauk monster!

05-23-2013, 02:59 PM
^^^^^Yeah MC if you would have chopped the head off before snapping the shot it could have been another montauk monster!

Shhh, you will get the bird watchers and peta freaks mad!:ROFLMAO
that pic is very cool madcaster. She looks very peaceful like she is sleeping!:scared:

05-23-2013, 03:02 PM
Monty where are your pics? Madcaster just posted a way cool sleeping cat so I have to post mine. Your up next!:HappyWave:


05-23-2013, 03:21 PM
Nice going mad caster. Dead cats are always interesting. When they get really dried out you can play frisbee with em. Don't do this if your girlfriend or wife is around they will accuse you of being a juvenile and you wont get any nookie that night because of the "Eeeew Gross" affect and they think your hands then have cooties.

05-24-2013, 07:08 PM
Monty where are your pics? Madcaster just posted a way cool sleeping cat so I have to post mine. Your up next!:HappyWave:


Now your posting fancy pics of dead stuff.... show off.

Will be fishing more this week, if I can't find something dead this week I am not sure what I will do.
I'm starting to feel the pressure....

05-24-2013, 07:45 PM
Will be fishing more this week, if I can't find something dead this week I am not sure what I will do.
I'm starting to feel the pressure....

Aw come on dude you can do it give yourself some credit. You have been inspiration as the poster of dead stuff. After all who was it who started this thread. Maybe you're just in a dead things finding slump.:HappyWave:

05-24-2013, 07:52 PM
I asked yoda and even he said you could do it!:headbang:


05-24-2013, 07:54 PM
Aw come on dude you can do it give yourself some credit. You have been inspiration as the poster of dead stuff. After all who was it who started this thread. Maybe you're just in a dead things finding slump.:HappyWave:
I have a spot where I keep all the dead pics I have taken. Lots of good stuff from the previous years. Seal, dolphin, turtle, huge bass, stuff I don't know what it is. I know I used to find dead stuff everywhere. That one year I remember having dead bass even float by me while I was out on a sand bar, I was in the dead zone.
I did find the twenty dead bass in the creek this year, but that sucked. Otherwise everywhere I look things are alive.:don't know why:
Madcaster is even finding dead cats.....you would think I would at least find that.

05-25-2013, 06:33 PM
I have found 3 dead, decayed bass in an area that I have not seen dead bass before. One each of the past 3 weeks. One about 30 inches, another huge, 50 inches and FAT, the other mid 40 inches at least. Fished same areas for years and never remember seeing them before. Anyone else notice more dead bass this year? Was bay side.

I have been fishing salt water off and on for 15 years (last 4 normally on the water a minimum 1x per week April to December). Fishing a few spots so I get familiar with them.
Over the previous years I have "found/noticed" one or two dead stripers and the same for blues. A few years back I saw a dead sturgeon, 3:00 AM one time found half a deer on the water line on a beach. Lots of dead sea robins, a few skates (hate it when people kill for no reason).
This year has been different for me. Its only half way over and I have "found/noticed" three dead stripers and a dolphin.
One of the stripers I am thinking was close to 50 inches, another 40 and the other around 32". The Dolphin had to be at least 8 feet long. I have no idea how the stripers died, but the dolphin had a huge piece of meat displaced and I am guessing propeller maybe.
Sucks seeing dead things out there.
Added a pic of one of our cats so there is a little cuteness in this post (cat still alive).






Another dead thing today, ocean side.
I think I got LennyD beat with this one..:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Turtle or alien?


Should have put my rod next to it for size comparison, but I was afraid of it......
Was a good 6 feet long at least.
Imagine standing in the water at 2:30 AM and this bumps into you :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Fishing an area I have fished for 15 years. Have never found 3 dead bass at one time. Used to never see a dead bass there. Last year more than ever, this year already ahead of last year. Middle pic has a fish in belly?

Monty you have been the guiding light for finding dead things. Look at all the things you found. Post 12 you had a warehouse of dead stuff!
PS why did you put your cat in the pics you didn't kill her did you?:scared: :HappyWave:

Man up and get back in the race! I want to win but only when you are giving it your best. **** it up, get out there and do some walking, if you know what I mean.;)

05-25-2013, 06:37 PM
It was burried and had some furry stuff sticking out of the sand ...I thought it was a peice of carpet. Turn out to be a cat . Must be from Sandy

madcaster that is an awesome pic I love it! If Monty found out you offed one of his cats you might get a midnight visit from some friends at your house. I hear monty has connections in the family.;)

05-25-2013, 07:34 PM
Monty you have been the guiding light for finding dead things. Look at all the things you found. Post 12 you had a warehouse of dead stuff!
PS why did you put your cat in the pics you didn't kill her did you?:scared: :HappyWave:

Man up and get back in the race! I want to win but only when you are giving it your best. **** it up, get out there and do some walking, if you know what I mean.;)

Last Sunday's fishing trip I walked by someone at 4:30 AM, he asked if I had any action, I asked him if he had seen anything dead.
I'm walking almost 2 miles of beach each trip, there's nothing dead where I am.....I'm debating even if I should bring my fishing rod tonight, maybe just walk miles and miles of beach looking for something dead.....

05-25-2013, 07:57 PM
Last Sunday's fishing trip I walked by someone at 4:30 AM, he asked if I had any action, I asked him if he had seen anything dead.

4:30 am you are walking the beach and looking for dead things? This is what you joisey guys do for fun? What happened to going to stripper bars and ogling the strippers, now you are looking for dead things. Monty you need to be careful before you get in trouble. Someone may not realize this is all for fun and report you. Maybe the guy was thinking you were a serial killer and said "hey this guy is asking me about dead things I need to get the hell out of here!":ROFLMAO :HappyWave:


05-25-2013, 08:03 PM
Another one for you joisey fruitcakes. Wouldn't mind meeting one of these chicks at the canal. They can eat me all they want.


05-25-2013, 08:08 PM
Wouldn't mind meeting one of these chicks at the canal.


dogfish you're twisted! It's a harmless thing we do. They are already dead no harm no foul. Monty's in a dead thing slump lately that's all. btw love that cannibal girls video where the heck do you find all this stuff? What a way to die. haha

05-25-2013, 08:11 PM
This is what you joisey guys do for fun? What happened to going to stripper bars and ogling the strippers,

We would rather ogle the stripers!:drool:

05-25-2013, 08:30 PM
:clapping:You guys are absolutely bonkers! If I ever come to fish new jersey I have to meet you.

05-26-2013, 11:30 AM
Well finally beat the dead thing skunk.
Have 4 pics.....
Pic 1 is a sponge...not sure how these things work, but it was 4:00 AM, I had been out there for 3 hours and it looked dead...so it may be a stretch but at that time I needed something dead.

Pic 2 is Horse shoe crabs....definitely dead, but a dime a dozen...again I needed something.

Pic 3 is a skate I do believe.....and to be honest the King of the Headless Torso found it....but after he found it he made me find it so it could be official....only took me 5 minutes, I am oblivious to stuff.

Pic 4 is a solid dead thing find as I believe I was the first to identify it, think I said "its big upside down bird with its feet up".

So I'm back, and as the saying goes, "its sad to see that something is dead, but someone has to find it and it might as well be me"





05-26-2013, 12:03 PM
From reading other posts on this site I would think darkskies would be upset by the dead bird. Is he not the swanman?

05-26-2013, 12:13 PM
From reading other posts on this site I would think darkskies would be upset by the dead bird. Is he not the swanman?
After I took the pic I went back to fishing, Dark did sit down on a rock for a solid 15 minutes atleast, I thought he was resting, was very insensitive of me to forget about his attachment with the big birds. Darn.

05-27-2013, 12:57 PM
^^Eff you all.....that's why I'm in the effumall club...:2flip: :laugh:

Fishing trip 5-26
Moving along, I concentrated on scouting the whole tideline for the rest of the trip. Wanted to see Monty restore his status in the dead things contest.

He did find every single dead thing on his own.....some of them I stumbled over them first in the dark...and walked away telling him he needed to scout the area,,,,...In all, a lousy time of catching...the poor conditions ensured that...
But always an enjoyable time running into one of the sitemembers on the beach....especially one to win the prestigious Googan of the Year award....

And I can confirm that everything Monty found and took pics of, it was his find, organic, and very dead...Even the sponge looked like a natural sponge that I have seen growing in rocky bay areas.....

Good job Monty, you seem to be back in the running....:thumbsup:

05-27-2013, 03:43 PM
From reading other posts on this site I would think darkskies would be upset by the dead bird. Is he not the swanman?

Fishman you dont know the stories about dark being the swan finder? He is the king of finding swans! Monty very nice pics I was looking for dead things this weekend and did not find any. You really posted up some cool stuff especially like that pic of the skate it is almost like he is saying "how did I get here?' lol keep em coming!

05-27-2013, 06:09 PM
Monty I found nothing when I fished this morning. After the next northeaster I will be walking the beaches hard, looking in every likely place for dead things. Or maybe I will just let the air out of dark's tires so you guys can't meet up next time.:ROFLMAO (only kidding)
Great job and love the skate and the gOOOOOOOOse it could be my new icon when I get goose eggs out there. Congrats on your fish too please if you find more dead stuff space it out a little so you don't get too many accolades. I am happy to see you in it but I still want to win so watch out!;) :HappyWave:

05-27-2013, 06:16 PM
Well finally beat the dead thing skunk.
Have 4 pics.....
Pic 1 is a sponge...not sure how these things work, but it was 4:00 AM, I had been out there for 3 hours and it looked dead...so it may be a stretch but at that time I needed something dead.

Pic 2 is Horse shoe crabs....definitely dead, but a dime a dozen...again I needed something.

Pic 3 is a skate I do believe.....and to be honest the King of the Headless Torso found it....but after he found it he made me find it so it could be official....only took me 5 minutes, I am oblivious to stuff.

Pic 4 is a solid dead thing find as I believe I was the first to identify it, think I said "its big upside down bird with its feet up".

So I'm back, and as the saying goes, "its sad to see that something is dead, but someone has to find it and it might as well be me"





Most excellent pics Monty the first one reminds me of the hair on a blonde chick who I dated in high school. She followed the group Further and was like a hippie and didnt shave all the places where girls normally shave. Great pics keep em coming.

05-27-2013, 06:18 PM
Also someone should caption that skate pic. The rounded mouth is funny as hell. Have some dialogue coming out of its mouth saying Feed me I'm hungry! lol

05-27-2013, 08:12 PM
Monty I found nothing when I fished this morning. After the next northeaster I will be walking the beaches hard, looking in every likely place for dead things. Or maybe I will just let the air out of dark's tires so you guys can't meet up next time.:ROFLMAO (only kidding)
Great job and love the skate and the gOOOOOOOOse it could be my new icon when I get goose eggs out there. Congrats on your fish too please if you find more dead stuff space it out a little so you don't get too many accolades. I am happy to see you in it but I still want to win so watch out!;) :HappyWave:
I made all those jokes about Dark and his headless torso, he really does have an eye for dead stuff :thumbsup:. Maybe we can alternate weeks in having him be our dead stuff scout if he is not busy:idea:

Most excellent pics Monty the first one reminds me of the hair on a blonde chick who I dated in high school. She followed the group Further and was like a hippie and didn't shave all the places where girls normally shave. Great pics keep em coming.

Found this on this morning's walk.


05-27-2013, 09:12 PM

I am very disappointed in you. :( You let them post a picture of a dead cat and not rip into them.
My kitty is everything to me (Sorry Darkskies). Not cool to put up a dead kitty cat. :beatin:

05-27-2013, 09:26 PM

I am very disappointed in you. :( You let them post a picture of a dead cat and not rip into them.
My kitty is everything to me (Sorry Darkskies). Not cool to put up a dead kitty cat. :beatin:

Pebbles, hoping I am not stepping on anyones toes here or causing trouble. I like this thread though haven't posted a pic in it. Imho the cat was already there and dead. We are guys we love stuff like that. If you don't take a photo of it someone else will. So why can't the guy take a pic of it and post it. Its already dead there is nothing that can be done about it. hope that is not too offensive I am just being honest about why we like dead stuff. For example in LI last year there were a few whales that got washed ashore. It was sad but cool at the same time. Believe me lots of people were there taking pics of them. If I wasn't working that day i would have been there taking pics too. Sorry, but the nastier it looks the more I am interested in it.:don't know why:

05-27-2013, 09:37 PM

I am very disappointed in you. :( You let them post a picture of a dead cat and not rip into them.
My kitty is everything to me (Sorry Darkskies). Not cool to put up a dead kitty cat. :beatin:

I'm a guy and guys can't show weakness.
Kinda like dark and the dead big bird with the feet in the air.
He held it together, went and sat on a rock pile for 15-20 minutes by himself, was OK after that.

Here is a pic of the 4 sisters (they are all alive) and their bananas.


05-28-2013, 08:21 AM
Monty great pics you are rising to the top!
Pebbles you should talk with ds about this. There are multiple threads about him and the swans maybe he should stick up for cats too. no offense intended.:laugh: :HappyWave:

05-28-2013, 09:14 AM
monty awesome pics thanks for sharing. How did you get the cats to pose with all the bananas at the same time, catnip?

05-28-2013, 12:11 PM
monty awesome pics thanks for sharing. How did you get the cats to pose with all the bananas at the same time, catnip?

Thanks, yes, they are catnip bananas.
Here is a pic from this morning, while its a common site, it still give me 3 days in a row with at least 1 dead thing found.
Will teach StorminSteve to talk smack about dead stuff :HappyWave:


05-28-2013, 06:12 PM
monty on a tear. nice pics.:thumbsup:

05-28-2013, 06:27 PM
monty on a tear. nice pics.:thumbsup:

Last week I was ready to wave the white flag, everything was alive, not a dead thing for me to find all year.
Amazing what finding a swollen dead goose with its feet in the air will do for ones confidence and luck.

05-29-2013, 08:23 AM
Pebbles, love ya....:heart:
But as has been said before...we're guys, we've been splashing in mud puddles and poking dead things with sticks since we were kids...it would be against the force of nature to stop now....:kiss:

I'm a guy and guys can't show weakness.
Kinda like dark and the dead big bird with the feet in the air.
He held it together, went and sat on a rock pile for 15-20 minutes by himself, was OK after that.

Man that story is so embellished it slides all over the place.........;)....I helped you with that goose, propping it's head up and giving you dead things positioning tips...:laugh: :kooky:...and you throw me under the bus like that? :whoo:
Et tu Brutus? :rolleyes:
I can't get away from the birdman rep, and every time I do you help to bring it back into focus....what a Pal you are.....:moon:
That's it.....no more partiality......gotta keep things even......you can scout your own dead things from now on...:plastered:
(BTW nice work,,,,Monty is back!.....) :HappyWave:

05-29-2013, 12:27 PM
Man that story is so embellished it slides all over the place.........;)....I helped you with that goose, propping it's head up and giving you dead things positioning tips...:laugh: :kooky:...and you throw me under the bus like that? :whoo:
Et tu Brutus? :rolleyes:
I can't get away from the birdman rep, and every time I do you help to bring it back into focus....what a Pal you are.....:moon:
That's it.....no more partiality......gotta keep things even......you can scout your own dead things from now on...:plastered:
(BTW nice work,,,,Monty is back!.....) :HappyWave:

I completely understand you being a little upset after seeing the big dead bird with its feet in the air.
When we found it I was thrilled to have a pic of a dead goose and forgot about you being obsessed with big birds.

I flipped the pic upside down, it doesn't look that bad now. :HappyWave:
Its all OK.


05-29-2013, 08:12 PM
Haha looks like it is now resting. You should of asked dark if he wanted to hop on for a ride to goose land.
I hate geese they crap all over the grass. Ever try to walk through a park that has geese feeding. Every 2 feet you have a goose turd. Nice pic monty I will be out this weekend and looking for dead stuff. Will find something even if I have to raid a pet cemetary.:scared::HappyWave:

05-29-2013, 08:34 PM
Awesome pics and banter guys really enjoying this thread. Here is a dead fluke I found the other day. Maybe someone tried to keep a short and messed it up putting it back.

06-03-2013, 02:31 PM
StorminSteve I think I am now in the lead, by a size able margin....My Goose (on the Beach, upside feet up!!!) beats your parking lot deer I do believe.
And as for quantity, I am in the dead zone lately.


06-03-2013, 05:29 PM
OK Monty you are pulling ahead, I have to give you props.
But not for long:moon: :HappyWave:
I see you 1, and raise you one.


06-03-2013, 07:14 PM
OK Monty you are pulling ahead, I have to give you props.
But not for long:moon: :HappyWave:
I see you 1, and raise you one.


With the pressure on you come through with some dead stuff :thumbsup:

06-03-2013, 07:23 PM
StorminSteve I think I am now in the lead, by a size able margin....My Goose (on the Beach, upside feet up!!!) beats your parking lot deer I do believe.

I see you 1, and raise you one.


You know when we were kids we used to trade baseball cards on the playground. You folks are trading pics of dead things. Completely normal behavior?:kooky: :laugh:
I enjoy the pics keep up the good work. Side question, if I were a betting man, and there was a way to bet on this for profit, who should I pick, Steve or Monty? Do the other contenders have a shot at the title? Will there be a come from behind candidate like madcaster who manages to unearth a wooly mammoth or some other pre-historic creature? These are all questions that I want answers to!

06-03-2013, 07:46 PM
Are you going to bet against the guy that found this?


Storminsteve is good, a serious worthy opponent who I truly respect, definitely has a knack for dead things.
Nothing against the others, but madcaster posts one pic and I am pretty sure Pebbles is putting out a contract on him :ROFLMAO .......Cowherder is a rookie:HappyWave:. Dark is like a 1 hit wonder with his "legendary" headless torso, I think he is going to try to live off that one dead thing find for years:HappyWave:.

06-06-2013, 07:26 PM
Are you going to bet against the guy that found this?


Storminsteve is good, a serious worthy opponent who I truly respect, definitely has a knack for dead things.
Nothing against the others, but madcaster posts one pic and I am pretty sure Pebbles is putting out a contract on him :ROFLMAO .......Cowherder is a rookie:HappyWave:. Dark is like a 1 hit wonder with his "legendary" headless torso, I think he is going to try to live off that one dead thing find for years:HappyWave:.

One of the best threads on here. What the hell is that thing?

06-06-2013, 09:22 PM
Yeak what is that monty looks like a dead elephant.

06-06-2013, 10:35 PM
One of the best threads on here. What the hell is that thing?

Yeak what is that monty looks like a dead elephant.

I found that August 2010.
Walked by it in the dark and it was a little freaky.
Then walked past it again after sun up and took a few more pics.
Decayed Turtle.....Alien likeness from certain angles.



06-06-2013, 11:05 PM
I found that August 2010.
Walked by it in the dark and it was a little freaky.
Then walked past it again after sun up and took a few more pics.
Decayed Turtle.....Alien likeness from certain angles.



monty that is the absolute scariest thing I have ever seen besides the montauk monster.:scared:
That could be an alien if you look at it from a certain angle. Great pics thanks for sharing.
Here is something I found on a beach walk after fishing. Not much but I want to contribute.

06-07-2013, 05:45 PM
Are you going to bet against the guy that found this?


Storminsteve is good, a serious worthy opponent who I truly respect, definitely has a knack for dead things.

Nothing against the others, but madcaster posts one pic and I am pretty sure Pebbles is putting out a contract on him :ROFLMAO .......Cowherder is a rookie:HappyWave:. Dark is like a 1 hit wonder with his "legendary" headless torso, I think he is going to try to live off that one dead thing find for years:HappyWave:.

That's right madcaster and cowherder you better get up early if you want to run with the big dogs!
Monty and I are worthy opponents if you peasants want to roll with us you got to step it up!;) :HappyWave:
I have to hand it to you monty that dead turtle is scary what if you found that after a long walk on a new moon night?

06-07-2013, 05:51 PM
Cowherder is a rookie:HappyWave:. .

:moon:Well we all can't find things like simulated space aliens now can we?
I bet this storm will wash some cool things up maybe even a mola mola! I'll be out this weekend looking, rookie no more!

06-07-2013, 05:52 PM
That's right madcaster and cowherder you better get up early if you want to run with the big dogs!

Just remember mr big dog sometimes you are the dog, and sometimes you are the hydrant!:ROFLMAO

06-07-2013, 06:35 PM
That's right madcaster and cowherder you better get up early if you want to run with the big dogs!
Monty and I are worthy opponents if you peasants want to roll with us you got to step it up!;) :HappyWave:
I have to hand it to you monty that dead turtle is scary what if you found that after a long walk on a new moon night?
It was on a walk at night (not real long). That pic of it in the dark if you notice is not very close to it.

:moon:Well we all can't find things like simulated space aliens now can we?
I bet this storm will wash some cool things up maybe even a mola mola! I'll be out this weekend looking, rookie no more!
:HappyWave: We shall see, I am in a pretty good dead finding mode.

Just remember mr big dog sometimes you are the dog, and sometimes you are the hydrant!:ROFLMAO


06-09-2013, 03:43 PM
I may have trouble catching fish, but finding dead things recently is very easy....pics of this Sunday's AM trip dead things to follow when I load them from my camera this week :headbang: .

06-09-2013, 05:03 PM
IMO you should build suspense with the readers along like I do....post all of them at once and you may give some of the members here a complex that they won't be able to compete......you were on fire at finding dead things last night.....in the Dead Zone......:laugh: :thumbsup:

06-10-2013, 03:05 AM
Found tnis the last time I fished nomoco. It was a big dead bass dont know how long it was sitting there. Take that Monty and Steve!:kicknuts:


06-10-2013, 07:03 AM
Found tnis the last time I fished nomoco. It was a big dead bass dont know how long it was sitting there. Take that Monty and Steve!:kicknuts:

I'll see your large bass and raise you a fresh dead bunker.
What else you got cowherder? :HappyWave:
There are 5 dead things.....I mean cards in a hand.....
I think storminsteve is still out digging up the pet cemetery.....:ROFLMAO



06-10-2013, 05:15 PM
Its interesting that both there mouths are open wide like something scared them to death.:scared:
Very cool pics fellas keep em coming.

06-10-2013, 06:09 PM
I think storminsteve is still out digging up the pet cemetery.....:ROFLMAO

I heard my ears ringing today. Hmmmmm. Then I get here and see it was Monty and his trash talking!:bonk: :plastered:
Haven't been out much lately but I had this pic that I was saving for a special occasion. Went down to Island beach before the weekend because B&N was reporting bunker were "all over". Well I don't know where he gets his reports from because when I went there there was nothing. Fished it for 2 hours right before the park and nada. Stopped at the MI on the way back and fished there, nada as well.
I did find this juicy little tidbit of a creature on the road that ended close to the inlet. So since inlets don't have sand, the road is technically the "beach" and I am entering it in this contest.

Aces, Monty!!!!:beatin: :kicknuts::HappyWave:


06-10-2013, 06:20 PM
I think storminsteve is still out digging up the pet cemetery.....:ROFLMAO

I'm with monty on this one. I think steve has gone off the charts crazy, raided the pet cemetery, put some extras in his freezer, and is taking them out one at a time to impress us all.:laugh:
BTW steve what the heck is that thing and how are we supposed to identify it it has no head.

06-10-2013, 08:14 PM
I heard my ears ringing today. Hmmmmm. Then I get here and see it was Monty and his trash talking!:bonk: :plastered:
Haven't been out much lately but I had this pic that I was saving for a special occasion.
I did find this juicy little tidbit of a creature on the street where the inlet was. So since inlets don't have sand, the road is technically the "beach" and I am entering it in this contest.

Aces, Monty!!!!:beatin: :kicknuts::HappyWave:


I'm with monty on this one. I think steve has gone off the charts crazy, raided the pet cemetery, put some extras in his freezer, and is taking them out one at a time to impress us all.:laugh:
BTW steve what the heck is that thing and how are we supposed to identify it it has no head.

StorminSteve, what was it? The dead goose upside down with the feet in the air that put you over the edge?

Here's a pair of dead birds (don't tell Dark about this post).
Funny, can't find their heads.



06-10-2013, 10:40 PM
^^ Monty, monty....forgot I was with him when he took those shots....left out the fact....that he was so souped up on those Energy Drinks...:bigeyes:...that he was talking about when Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off of a bat.....and decided to see if he could do the same with these poor dead birds.....said something about bringing the heads home, to his cats...:HappyWave:..I can't remember what happened after that.....those cat people are so strange sometimes......:scared: :ROFLMAO

06-10-2013, 10:58 PM
^^ Monty, monty....forgot I was with him when he took those shots....left out the fact....that he was so souped up on those Energy Drinks...:bigeyes:...that he was talking about when Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off of a bat.....and decided to see if he could do the same with these poor dead birds.....said something about bringing the heads home, to his cats...:HappyWave:..I can't remember what happened after that.....those cat people are so strange sometimes......:scared: :ROFLMAO

:HappyWave: :ROFLMAO Shhhhh.


06-13-2013, 08:21 PM
Can you say dead Microgadus tomcod.....or Tommy Cod?


06-14-2013, 05:19 PM
That is a weird looking fish monty never seen one. The belly looked fat. Looks like some birds ripped it open and ate the insides. I thought they eat the eyes first but I guess not thanks for sharing.

06-14-2013, 05:42 PM
:moon:What a showoff you are monty. That looks like a catfish to me. What is that like your 6th dead thing this week? How many more do you have up your sleeve? We have had a lot of rain lately are you sure you didnt find that by the side of the river and secretly smuggle it to a beach for a quick pic? ;) :HappyWave:

06-14-2013, 06:33 PM
:moon:What a showoff you are monty. That looks like a catfish to me. What is that like your 6th dead thing this week? How many more do you have up your sleeve? We have had a lot of rain lately are you sure you didnt find that by the side of the river and secretly smuggle it to a beach for a quick pic? ;) :HappyWave:
Catfish :ROFLMAO

Your lucky I can only fish one time a week. Last trip everywhere I went something was dead.
A tommy cod :headbang: ......what are you going to find to beat that? :HappyWave:

I'm so far away in the lead... Im not sure you can even see this :moon:


06-14-2013, 06:51 PM
Steve, I am sorry to inform ya that I was with Monty when he found that fish.....he was on fire that trip, I think he found 5 different dead things......it also seemed like he consumed twice hs normal amount of energy drinks......for someone who's an old fart.:HappyWave:...he had the energy levels of an 18 year old....he was wired for sound, for sure......the last trip he was barely noticing the dead things.....this trip it was like he had "dead thing radar" going on....:ROFLMAO

This was a legitimate fish found in the salt....it was big for a tommycod, we weren't quite sure what it exactly was or how it got there....but it was definitely in the salt....washed up dead.....maybe get out earlier next trip, would be my suggestion to ya....as each of his trips is now around 9-11 hours, that's a lot of time to be on the beach scouting for dead things.....

He is like the Borg, when it comes to finding dead things.....;)

06-14-2013, 06:59 PM
He is like the Borg, when it comes to finding dead things.....;)

I found so many things on that trip my camera ran out of memory....

Storminsteve this is what a dead tommycod looks like :ROFLMAO


06-15-2013, 05:15 PM
I think I got you beat monty! I found the coolest thing. Half eaten sturgeon will post pics once I take my camera out of the car.

06-15-2013, 08:05 PM
I think I got you beat monty! I found the coolest thing. Half eaten sturgeon will post pics once I take my camera out of the car.
Wow, raising the bar. Congrats on a great find.

06-16-2013, 04:54 PM
Great pics dudes. one of the coolest threads.

06-16-2013, 04:57 PM
I found so many things on that trip my camera ran out of memory....

Storminsteve this is what a dead tommycod looks like :ROFLMAO


Thanks for splaining that,:rolleyes:
Keep up the trash talk I will be in it soon. Got a friend who works in an animal shelter and may get me some pics of the dead doggies before they are disposed of. Now all I have to do is figure out how to put sand under the body so it looks like the beach. for you peta people out there I was just kidding.;)

J Barbosa
06-21-2013, 05:28 PM
Victims of light tackle, it's that time of year when these big fish washing up on our shores. I ran into three on this day over a small one mile stretch.


06-21-2013, 06:20 PM
JB what the he** is that?
You went out and made some freakish creature with sci-fi putty and clay. That can't be real can it? What do you think it was -the teeth look like dragons teeth!:scared:

06-21-2013, 06:38 PM
Come on barbosa you photoshopped it. Fess up.:naughty:

06-21-2013, 06:46 PM
Why so harsh on the guy? I think it's real for sure. Another chupacabra! Great find jbarbosa!


06-21-2013, 06:51 PM
JB what the he** is that?
You went out and made some freakish creature with sci-fi putty and clay. That can't be real can it? What do you think it was -the teeth look like dragons teeth!:scared:

Come on barbosa you photoshopped it. Fess up.:naughty:

You guys doubt JB??/:huh: :beatin:

JB's word is golden, its golden.

Nice pic JB :clapping:

Anyone see that 1/2 a sturgeon pic from cowheder yet?

06-21-2013, 06:55 PM
Victims of light tackle, it's that time of year when these big fish washing up on our shores. I ran into three on this day over a small one mile stretch.


JB what the he** is that?
You went out and made some freakish creature with sci-fi putty and clay. That can't be real can it? What do you think it was -the teeth look like dragons teeth!:scared:

Come on barbosa you photoshopped it. Fess up.:naughty:

Sorry I have to agree with these guys. JB no offense but I think you're trolling for dollars.:HappyWave:
Dude if you found one I might have bought it but 3 on a beach, one mile stretch. Too sketchy. I have a better shot at having wild sex with 2 supermodel cousins than you finding 3 of those things on the beach together.
So where did you lift the pic from? It's a freaking awesome pic by the way.

06-21-2013, 07:15 PM
Sorry I have to agree with these guys. JB no offense but I think you're trolling for dollars.:HappyWave:
Dude if you found one I might have bought it but 3 on a beach, one mile stretch. Too sketchy. I have a better shot at having wild sex with 2 supermodel cousins than you finding 3 of those things on the beach together.
So where did you lift the pic from? It's a freaking awesome pic by the way.

No offense either jb it was a great troll kudos for the effort.:clapping:
The underlying URL goes to a dead link. Why would you post a pic that you took going to a dead link?

So are you now going to tell us what it is or leave us hanging on the cliff like ds does with half the stories he posts up and never finishes?:laugh:

06-21-2013, 07:19 PM
I have a better shot at having wild sex with 2 supermodel cousins than you finding 3 of those things on the beach together.

Anything is possible if you have the right connections. I once had sex wth 2 supermodel cousins. At least that's what the agency who sent them told me. Only cost me $2k for the privelege.;)

06-21-2013, 07:25 PM
So are you now going to tell us what it is or leave us hanging on the cliff like ds does with half the stories he posts up and never finishes?:laugh:

I am thinking all the hours Dark spends on the water and all of the hours of lost sleep has effected his memory and he has forgotten the ends to most of his stories.

I also be thinking that's a pic of a Gator

06-21-2013, 07:30 PM
haha I love this one of the coolest threads on the internet! Who cares if its real or not just keep those pics coming gents!
bababooey paying 2 grand to have sex with 2 chicks is nutz you could have 2 VS or Zeebass with that money. Love the honesty though. If you bought the reels you would have them forever. The sex with the chick once it is done you have nothing left.

06-21-2013, 07:39 PM
^^^^^Au contraire basshunter. They left me their panties to remember them by.:heart:

06-21-2013, 07:39 PM
haha I love this one of the coolest threads on the internet! Who cares if its real or not just keep those pics coming gents!
bababooey paying 2 grand to have sex with 2 chicks is nutz you could have 2 VS or Zeebass with that money. Love the honesty though. If you bought the reels you would have them forever. The sex with the chick once it is done you have nothing left.
Or a Zee Baas and one chick would be a pretty good compromise....:idea:

06-21-2013, 07:41 PM
^^^^^Au contraire basshunter. They left me their panties to remember them by.:heart:

Dude you paid 2 grand for 2 pairs of used panties. Gimme $500 and I'll go steal 2 pairs from my girlfriend and mail em to ya!

06-21-2013, 07:45 PM
Dude you paid 2 grand for 2 pairs of used panties. Gimme $500 and I'll go steal 2 pairs from my girlfriend and mail em to ya!

Yes but they would not be supermodel panties. Lightly scented with the most exquisite perfume. Coming directly from girls that were perfect 10s all their lives untouched by mere unwashed citizens such as yourself. Let's not forget the great sex we all had. At least I did, they were probably acting but who cares. For 2 hours I was the sexual king of their world. They did the bidding of their king. And they were ever so kinky. The nastiness coupled with their sophistcation is spank bank material for many cold nights ahead. I'm not embarassed to say I paid for something that good. Like a fine wine, aged to perfection. Or the best brandy. Cuban cigars. Yes my son there are some things in life worth paying handsomely for. When you are in a better financial position you will understand.;):HappyWave:

06-21-2013, 07:51 PM
Or a Zee Baas and one chick would be a pretty good compromise....:idea:

Yes but then the kinkiness would only be limited to one, and half as nasty. You keep the zeebass. I'll take the supermodels any day over that overpriced trinket.:laugh::HappyWave:

06-21-2013, 07:53 PM
If your going to start selling your girlfriends underwear you should probably open your own thread.
Just a little off topic here maybe.
He should post it in the classifieds. Where to put it that is the question. Stripers and anglers - for sale - lightly used panties, almost supermodel quality, from a girl who is at least a 7. To the members I apologize for the hijack. I have no pics of dead things to offer. Maybe barbosa will come back on here and explain himself. Back on topic fellas.

06-21-2013, 07:54 PM
Dude you paid 2 grand for 2 pairs of used panties. Gimme $500 and I'll go steal 2 pairs from my girlfriend and mail em to ya!

If your going to start selling your girlfriends underwear you should probably open your own thread.
Just a little off topic here maybe.

Yes but they would not be supermodel panties. Lightly scented with the most exquisite perfume. Coming directly from girls that were perfect 10s all their lives untouched by mere unwashed citizens such as yourself. Let's not forget the great sex we all had. At least I did, they were probably acting but who cares. For 2 hours I was the sexual king of their world. They did the bidding of their king. And they were ever so kinky. The nastiness coupled with their sophistcation is spank bank material for many cold nights ahead. I'm not embarassed to say I paid for something that good. Like a fine wine, aged to perfection. Or the best brandy. Cuban cigars. Yes my son there are some things in life worth paying handsomely for. When you are in a better financial position you will understand.;):HappyWave:

:clapping: I think you need a new thread too (or your own room)

06-21-2013, 07:58 PM
I apologize am a little bit drunk tonight startted drinking at 515 pm everything is nce and rosy now.:plastered:
Apologees for the hijack would try for a separate thread but dark would probably delete it. Where the heck has he been lately is he on radio silence again?

06-21-2013, 08:27 PM
I apologize am a little bit drunk tonight startted drinking at 515 pm everything is nce and rosy now.:plastered:
Apologees for the hijack would try for a separate thread but dark would probably delete it. Where the heck has he been lately is he on radio silence again?

No apology needed, as always (well most of the time), your posts are entertaining and hilarious at times :HappyWave:

J Barbosa
06-21-2013, 11:01 PM
Sorry guys but the pic is real just taken at an awesome angle. Shame on you doubters and thank up you Monty for believing in pictures of dead stuff. :HappyWave:

The picture is of a large bloated decaying black drum in the 40-60lb class. They often travel in schools throughout the RB at this time of year and are caught on striper gear by guys targeting bass on bait.

The problem is most people's striper setups are not strong enough to horse these fish in and the long fights build up acid in the fish. Even if they swim away fine a lot end up washing ashore later on. There was three at this location probably all caught and released by the same guy/group.

Here is a bigger picture (size 12 boot for reference):

06-22-2013, 05:00 PM
YUm yum Good!! Fry it up with some peppers and onions and boy do you have a dish!:kooky:

06-22-2013, 05:53 PM
Tough crowd here....:beatin:

You're gonna scare JBarbosa off now....I hope he has a thick skin....:thumbsup:
John, I think the bustin means you fit in around here..:HappyWave:..if they don't like someone they won't go through all the trouble of busting them....look what they do to me with the birds and swans.....:laugh:

Nice find and picture, thanks for posting...
You now gave Monty something to obsess about on his next trip besides the fishing...finding more dead stuff.....:ROFLMAO

Bababooey, I started a thread called "One Day at a Time....Do you know Bill W ?"...

I'm not trying to imply anything here...but feel free to contact me in private, if you have any questions or would like to know more...:HappyWave:

06-22-2013, 07:25 PM
No apology needed, as always (well most of the time), your posts are entertaining and hilarious at times :HappyWave:

X2 bababooey you are a funny guy but sometimes you are a little too out there. I would never say the stuff you do on a public message board. Hope your wife doesn't read these posts. jbarbosa thanks for the cool pic. Really enjoy this thread keep em coming

06-22-2013, 07:53 PM
Hey jb my bad for doubting you. Sorry. It looks prehistoric looking and I thought you might be trying to pull a fast one. Very nice find keep up the good work. :HappyWave:Try to find some more so that looney toones monty doesn't think he is king the hill.:HappyWave: I have to get out there soon and find some things. My connection at the pet cemetary didn't come through yet.

06-22-2013, 08:26 PM
Hey jb my bad for doubting you. Sorry. It looks prehistoric looking and I thought you might be trying to pull a fast one. Very nice find keep up the good work. :HappyWave:Try to find some more so that looney toones monty doesn't think he is king the hill.:HappyWave: I have to get out there soon and find some things. My connection at the pet cemetary didn't come through yet.

You mean king of Dead Stuff Mountain :HappyWave:
Please try to find something dead with sand under it this time :HappyWave: :ROFLMAO

That dead Black Drum is a great one. And if cowherder ever posts his half a sturgeon pic I think you may have some competition for second place... :ROFLMAO
They really stepped it up :thumbsup:

06-22-2013, 08:31 PM
Haven't checked in here for awhile but this has to be one of the most intriguing threads on the internet. Look for copycats soon. Keep up the good work and thank you for the entertainment gents.

J Barbosa
06-22-2013, 08:59 PM
You guys absolutely crack me up.

Its one of the things that keeps me coming back for more. :kicknuts:

J Barbosa
06-24-2013, 01:49 PM
Dead drum #1 (already posted)

Dead drum #2

Dead Drum - 3 Yes, somebody cut the head off and took it...

Bonus - Fresh Seagull!!!


06-24-2013, 08:57 PM
Great pics JB, topping it off with the seagull.
I was out Sunday AM and could not find a single dead thing.
That first pic looks like a huge Drum.

06-25-2013, 08:53 AM
Awesome pics! jbarbosa what is the dead thing in the 3rd pic you posted. still trying to figure it out. Keep em coming!

J Barbosa
06-25-2013, 12:11 PM
Great pics JB, topping it off with the seagull.
I was out Sunday AM and could not find a single dead thing.
That first pic looks like a huge Drum.

Its pretty big definitely around 4ft long.

The rod for reference is a 8' 6" St. Croix Wild River with a 50/50 split. You can see the split right underneath guide #2.

Awesome pics! jbarbosa what is the dead thing in the 3rd pic you posted. still trying to figure it out. Keep em coming!

That is a close up of the scales on dead drum #3, I thought it was a neat shot. Quality isn't to bad considering its coming from a smartphone.

06-25-2013, 12:17 PM

How about a school of dead sea robins ....didn't count them ,but some one didn't like them:kooky:

06-29-2013, 11:49 AM
Thanks for posting that madcaster. That is really messed up. It's like they devalue them so much they think if they kill every one they catch it will make a difference in the population. Shame on them. Monty I took a walk along the beach this morning and could not find any dead stuff. It was like the moon tides have scrubbed all the beachfronts clean in some areas. I am hoping for a big storm so some cool stuff gets washed up.

06-29-2013, 12:44 PM
Thanks for posting that madcaster. That is really messed up. It's like they devalue them so much they think if they kill every one they catch it will make a difference in the population. Shame on them. Monty I took a walk along the beach this morning and could not find any dead stuff. It was like the moon tides have scrubbed all the beachfronts clean in some areas. I am hoping for a big storm so some cool stuff gets washed up.
Agree, great pic madcaster and whoever did should get the crap beat out of them.

07-12-2013, 12:39 PM
Madcaster have never seen so many dead sea robins clustered together like that. Whoever did it probably thought it was a big joke. I read about someone got a big ray at sandy hook the other day cut its tail off and left it to die in the sand. I hope its possible guys like this get caught and ticketed because that is just wrong!http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.png

07-12-2013, 12:43 PM
And if cowherder ever posts his half a sturgeon pic I think you may have some competition for second place... :ROFLMAO
They really stepped it up :thumbsup:

Sorry Monty I have been away to Ohio visiting the wife's family. What a boring place to be. If they didn't have the amusement park on the water I would have gone stir crazy. At least I could look at the water while the family enjoyed the rides.
I have been checking this thread and it seems there is a drought for dead things now?

Here as promised is that dead sturgeon I found back in June.
Full house! Let's see you, dark, or jbarbosa beat that!:laugh: :HappyWave:


07-12-2013, 01:00 PM
Sorry Monty I have been away to Ohio visiting the wife's family. What a boring place to be. If they didn't have the amusement park on the water I would have gone stir crazy. At least I could look at the water while the family enjoyed the rides.
I have been checking this thread and it seems there is a drought for dead things now?

Here as promised is that dead sturgeon I found back in June.
Full house! Let's see you, dark, or jbarbosa beat that!:laugh: :HappyWave:

Awesome...no mention of Stormin Steve there, he kind of drifted off into road kill and roaming those pet cemeteries.:ROFLMAO

Great pics. :clapping: Raising the bar.

07-12-2013, 01:24 PM
no mention of Stormin Steve there, he kind of drifted off into road kill and roaming those pet cemeteries.:ROFLMAO


:clapping:Kudos cowherder you get 10 points for posting that up.
-5 points for not mentioning my name.:beatin:



PS I will bring a bag of sand with me to put underneath each creature before I take the pic. Thanks for the tip monty you amateur! :2flip: :ROFLMAO
Soon I will leave you all thirsty in my dust!

07-12-2013, 01:49 PM


Either someone is off their meds or drank too much caffeine today.:laugh: :kooky:
Is there a trophy at the end of this delusion or will there be an awards ceremony with a plaque?
Two men enter one man leaves.


07-12-2013, 02:35 PM
Boy some of you dudes are really out there.:kooky:
Just kidding really enjoy this thread keep up the good work. Wish we had as many dead things on the shores of the sound as you have in new jersey.

07-12-2013, 02:47 PM
:clapping:Kudos cowherder you get 10 points for posting that up.
-5 points for not mentioning my name.:beatin:



PS I will bring a bag of sand with me to put underneath each creature before I take the pic. Thanks for the tip monty you amateur! :2flip: :ROFLMAO
Soon I will leave you all thirsty in my dust!


Your like not even in the top 5 anymore....
Cowherder's pics were great, incredible dead pic taking talent. The guy is a natural, a pro.

Hate to say it...but you are a has been, your time has passed, you lost the touch.
Stick to live stuff, less disappointment.


J Barbosa
07-12-2013, 04:38 PM

Your like not even in the top 5 anymore....
Cowherder's pics were great, incredible dead pic taking talent. The guy is a natural, a pro.

Hate to say it...but you are a has been, your time has passed, you lost the touch.
Stick to live stuff, less disappointment.



nice one cow header.

it looks like someone gathered all the dead robins on a beach and put them in a circle.

07-12-2013, 05:09 PM
^^ Uh oh fighting words? Monty vs Stornin Steve winner takes all. Sounds like a WWF card with the screen names you guys have. Is there an actual trophy involved?

07-25-2013, 04:59 PM

Your like not even in the top 5 anymore....
Cowherder's pics were great, incredible dead pic taking talent. The guy is a natural, a pro.

Hate to say it...but you are a has been, your time has passed, you lost the touch.
Stick to live stuff, less disappointment.


^^ Uh oh fighting words? Monty vs Stornin Steve winner takes all. Sounds like a WWF card with the screen names you guys have. Is there an actual trophy involved?

Monty look in your rear view mirror I'm gaining.:moon: :HappyWave:
Buckethead, monty inspired me to greater heights I"M winning it mark my words!


07-25-2013, 05:06 PM
Got another one for you monty!:moon:
This was not the exact beach but on the road to the entrance to sandy hook right past the pedestrian walkway and before the manned entrance area where the guards are. I'm entering it whether you like it or not dude.:HappyWave:


J Barbosa
07-27-2013, 09:38 AM
Floating bass from the last kayak trip

07-28-2013, 01:29 PM
Some guy found this on the beach fishing last night. Not my pic grabbed from the internet. Dead baby dolphin


J Barbosa
07-30-2013, 10:57 PM
I read that six of them were found dead believed to be from a commercial netter. ^^

J Barbosa
07-31-2013, 07:47 AM
I read that six of them were found dead believed to be from a commercial netter. ^^

Great white caught feeding on a dead dolphin in NJ:


Total is up to 19 dead dolphins in the past 19 days:


J Barbosa
08-07-2013, 09:27 PM
Hope they are able to identify this persons family and give them some closure.

Fisherman discovers human skeletal remains on NJ beach

OCEAN CITY, N.J. — A fisherman has found skeletal human remains on a New Jersey beach.

State Police say the man was fishing at Corson Inlet State Park in Ocean City when he made the discovery on Tuesday.

The Southern Regional Medical Examiner's Office says the remains are a right foot that was inside a black Adidas ADI Rise 2 high-top sneaker, size 5½.

Some of the toes have colored nail polish, but the gender and age are unknown.

The remains will be sent to the state anthropologist for examination and DNA testing.

Anyone with information about its identity should contact the New Jersey State Police Major Crime Unit at 609-561-1800 extension 3355.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press.

08-09-2013, 09:36 AM
Crazy and sad. Hope it doesn't end up like the LI serial killer bodies. Anyone have an update?

08-11-2013, 11:34 AM
I am in a dead thing slump. Fished last nigfht and couldn't even find a dead sea robin. We need some tropical storms.
I went back 2 pages and re-read the part about bababooey paying $2000 for supermodel panties. This thread just keeps on giving. :laugh:

Monty how about you have you been finding any dead stuff?

08-11-2013, 02:42 PM
I am in a dead thing slump. Fished last nigfht and couldn't even find a dead sea robin. We need some tropical storms.
I went back 2 pages and re-read the part about bababooey paying $2000 for supermodel panties. This thread just keeps on giving. :laugh:

Monty how about you have you been finding any dead stuff?

Gotta love Babaooyey's pantie story:ROFLMAO

I covered a lot of beach last night and it was extremely clean (no garbage or dead things), definitely slim pickings out there the last month.

08-22-2013, 03:31 PM
Gotta love Babaooyey's pantie story:ROFLMAO


That was one of the oddest stories I ever read on the internet. Keep em coming bababooey!

08-22-2013, 03:34 PM
Some things I saw during the spring and forgot I had saved.
Dead drum and half chopped eel. Not a good idea to fish eels when the blues are around.

08-25-2013, 01:39 PM
paco that is nasty! I don't know how you would even be able to tell that was a drum skeleton. To me its a pile of dry bones. Good detective work! I found this yesterday in ocean county. I hate it when they leave skates to die on the beach its just so senseless.

08-25-2013, 02:10 PM
Agreed VS. Makes no sense to me either. If you find you are catching a lot of trash fish just move on down the beach.

09-08-2013, 12:46 PM
paco that is nasty! I don't know how you would even be able to tell that was a drum skeleton. To me its a pile of dry bones. Good detective work! I found this yesterday in ocean county. I hate it when they leave skates to die on the beach its just so senseless.

I hate that too. Stupid, why not just throw them back? Found these this morning.

09-08-2013, 01:00 PM
I see that on the rocks at the inlet all the time. There are so many of them you could never kill them all. Some folks think they make a dent in the population that way. Clueless

09-08-2013, 01:20 PM
I hate that too. Stupid, why not just throw them back? Found these this morning.
Senseless killing. One of bad things of our sport.

Nice pics guys, I had not seen anything dead for weeks.

09-08-2013, 01:46 PM
Nice find cowherder I am assuming you lined them up for that pic or did they all drink the Kool Aid together at the Jim Jones camp? :d

09-08-2013, 01:58 PM
I hate to say this but I think it is the immigrants. Check out the piers and beaches from Perth Amboy to Port Monmouth. Now that the summer is over they are back in full force. I was down by the ferry terminal walking this morning and there is trash all over the beach. I don't mean to single out the immigrants but there are some guys out there that don't know any better. When you try to talk to them they say I no speaka da english.
Chas found a whole bunch of dead horseshoe crabs in port monmouth. They didn't get on the beaches by themselves, not that many of them.

09-08-2013, 02:02 PM
^^^^^Steve and Monty I did gather them from my walk but they were confined to one area. It is like a little cove and a lot of guys fish bait there. I didn't see any guys throw them on the beach when I left but I have seen them do that before. Next time I see someone do something like that I will try to say something to them.
Ledhead I agree we need to have more education out there. Maybe put up some signs in English and Spanish.

09-08-2013, 02:20 PM
^^^^^Steve and Monty I did gather them from my walk but they were confined to one area. It is like a little cove and a lot of guys fish bait there. I didn't see any guys throw them on the beach when I left but I have seen them do that before. Next time I see someone do something like that I will try to say something to them.
Ledhead I agree we need to have more education out there. Maybe put up some signs in English and Spanish.

The sign should read.
"Get caught leaving any fish out of water to die that you do not intend to eat and you will be held with your head under water for an hour and see how it feels not able to breath."

I am absolutely sick of some of the useless pieces of shi* portraying themselves as human beings.

09-08-2013, 05:11 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping: I love when white water ^^^^^^^ gets feisty

09-08-2013, 06:24 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping: I love when white water ^^^^^^^ gets feisty

09-08-2013, 08:20 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping: I love when white water ^^^^^^^ gets feisty

Yeah monty you're in rare form today lol!:bonk: :HappyWave:

09-08-2013, 09:21 PM
Yeah monty you're in rare form today lol!:bonk: :HappyWave:


Shoulder aching + no fall fishing + no fall pics of dead things to show up SS = Cranky Monty

albie getting my fishing excitement from the reports page this fall.

09-10-2013, 08:50 AM
Sorry to hear of no fall fishing monty. When will you be back in action?

09-10-2013, 05:47 PM
Sorry to hear of no fall fishing monty. When will you be back in action?
Targetting April. It is a real bummer missing the fall.
But looking forward to fishing with a good shoulder.

09-10-2013, 06:19 PM
Targetting April. It is a real bummer missing the fall.
But looking forward to fishing with a good shoulder.
dang Monty that sucks. I was looking forward to you double headers. I tell you what, send that VS rig you got my way and I will make sure she stays warmed up for you!

09-10-2013, 06:20 PM
you know if you really get the craving to get out this fall, you can just guide me into some fish...just saying!

J Barbosa
09-10-2013, 08:07 PM

Shoulder aching + no fall fishing + no fall pics of dead things to show up SS = Cranky Monty

albie getting my fishing excitement from the reports page this fall.

Get well soon...sure will miss the Monty marathon reports.

09-11-2013, 07:11 AM
dang Monty that sucks. I was looking forward to you double headers. I tell you what, send that VS rig you got my way and I will make sure she stays warmed up for you!

Get well soon...sure will miss the Monty marathon reports.

Thanks, majorlie bummed, but that is life.

09-11-2013, 05:45 PM
Get well soon...sure will miss the Monty marathon reports.

Although I prematurely tried to claim victory in this thread I did not want to win by default. I hereby resign my crown and suggest it be awarded to monty. Although my dead things may be more diverse it was becomeing a bit of an addiction. I was just at the point of going around and digging up dead stuff. Just kidding lol.:scared:

Monty your words made sense and your sunrises are some of the best I have ever seen posted anywhere. No way can I even compete in that category. Here is hoping that you are not down for the count for very long. Would really like to have you back fishing again. You are a worthy competitor.:HappyWave:

09-13-2013, 05:10 PM
found in moco. Monty get better soon look forward to your posts.


09-14-2013, 08:19 AM
Nice shot basshunter.

09-14-2013, 05:59 PM
17554175561755717555today find ...not sure if it a squirrel or a rat ....looks like it was deep fried ....

J Barbosa
09-24-2013, 11:24 AM
Dead bird found while fishing urban location yesterday - can anyone ID?


09-24-2013, 12:03 PM
http://garrykessler.zenfolio.com/p619703160/h4a0388e6#h4a0388e6 http://photos.nj.com/hunterdon-photos/2013/03/rare_bird_sightings_2013_3.html white winged crossbill?