Since the big girls are officially here, and have been announced in detail in internet tackle store videos with catches, times, dates and locations of every big fish now taken, from IBSP to SH. I felt someone should document the insanity and poor behavior, past and present.

I believe we have other threads talking about this, I'll try to link them when I get some time.

Basically, it's a sad story of human behavior.

All talk about conservation and respecting the property of others has gone out the window in the last 24 hours.

Most every surf fisherman has big 50# bass on their minds, and no other topic seeems as important as getting that 50 or 60.

God bless, and especially bless those who have the understanding to C&R some of the big girls.

This thread is meant to document some of the insanity, without naming current fishable spots.

If you post up here with a gripe, please try to be general in description if people still are allowed to fish there.