Fishing Mon AM:
Hit the surf from 5-8:15, nothing for me but a fluke. Ran into Vpass out there. The dude lost 45# on a diet. Ya look great, best of health V!
Motivation for me to lose more than the 9# I seem to be stuck at.

Fishing Tue AM:
Fished the last of the ebb last night, and half the flood this morning.
Hit a few places. First place managed a 8# bluefish on small swimmer. Fish were feeding but picky.

2nd place... nothing.

3rd place... I had missed the earlier bite, so I worked rubber and small swimmers for 2 hours until I got a short bass. No further action until sunrise for me, when things heated up a bit. Fish were in close feeding on sandeels.

I managed 9 more bass and some other fish on rubber and metal.

Total for the night:
1 bluefish
10 bass to 31"
2 fluke
2 hickory shad

I left when the action died down to a slow pick. Late for work, had to apologize to people all day.

(Also to the guy whose pics I took of him and his fish on the beach last week and haven't e-mailed them to him yet....Tim, if you're reading this please accept my apologies. I haven't had much computer time as fishing has recently taken over. I will send them out to ya first chance I get. )

I'm happy to have action like that but sad at the same time, because I often don't have the discipline to leave when the action is good and I have to be somewhere else. Is there a 12 step program for fishing addiction?