I'm putting this in the NJ fishing forum in hopes that the most numbers of people will see it.

Finchaser is out there right now fishing the Fluke tournament.
One of his stops was off the Red Church in MoCo.

He related to me, that about 2 1/2 to 3 miles off, was a group of about 8 kayakers.
He personally observed that some of them did not have flags.

On a day like today, there are some swells.
Last night I saw the effects of an offshore storm and the swells were 3-4' where I was.
Although intermediate, and not that bad for an experienced yakker, they still make it hard for boaters to see you......

Today, the wind speed has been between 10-15mph, E/NE/SE

IMO these are not optimal conditions to be offshore in a yak.
It"s tough if you have to get back to land and the NE swells are 2-4'...I know this because I have been caught in swells like this before, and it can get dangerous very quickly....

I know guys have their own definition of what is dangerous, and isn't, to them.
I know all those guys out there in that group probably have VHFs, and the right safety gear.

I'm not looking to generate bad feelings out there from the kayak community.
Some guys are very sure about their skill sets, and knowing what they can and can't do...
I have been out in the yak in some pretty difficult situations in the past few years.
I know what I'm capable of, and sometimes can see how one would get irritated at someone who sounds like they are preaching.