Quote Originally Posted by surfstix1963 View Post
Duration/ all day blitzes on miles of beach, fish are fish get over the striper thing blues will eff you up better then any bass that swims.
Quote Originally Posted by seamonkey View Post
I have never seen an all day blitz. The best was like 3 hours. You must of been fishing a long time to see that. thanks for sharing
What surfstix said. Blitzes that lasted days and even for a week at a time. Not tall tales just true recollections. The blitzes today are nothing. The spriing bunker blitzes can last for hours but I tend to avoid them because of the type of fisherman they attract. There used to be real blitzes where your arms would get tired. You would go to the 7-11 for coffeee and then come back for some more at night. The duration is the thing that has been appreciably less.