One of my long time customers passed away this week.......I knew him 23 years.....he was up there in years, but one of the original tough guys.....had a very comfortable lifestyle, but worked hard for everything he achieved......

And his generation never complained...even when his legs swelled up to the size of WWF/bodybuilder proportion, full of fluid, he always minimized it...whenever I expressed concern he told me he was "Just fine and dandy!"........never wanted to complain about his lot in life.......

I knew he was in trouble...the last time I saw him...he was supposed to go to a Dr appt....and barely made it to the SUV (he was so proud he always drove himself no matter how much pain he was in)...
I had to help him back to the house....and he was so tough he didn't want to accept my help...he didn't want anyone, including me, to think he had any weaknesses.....

Finchaser would have loved this guy.....he ranted about Obama and the "special entitlements" bestowed on some by the Obama administration......he felt he had to work hard for everything he got....why should others not have to?.....

He was truly a reminder of the older generation, how they were taught to go through life without whining....and suck it up whenever they had a problem.....
Over the years, an inspiration and example of a good American, to me as well....