I think of the rough road I have been on lately, spending thousands of dollars to deal with the eff-ups and irresponsibility of others......missing out on fishing, feeling real bad about it, and the money I am spending like water.......

And I asked myself if this gentleman could have changed places with me.....he probably would have...just for another few years of life and love with his family.....
It kind of put things in place for me.....
I'm real disappointed at the infrequency of times I was able to make it out fishing this year....and beating myself up for how hard life has been.........

His passing, helped to put it into better perspective.......
There are always folks out there, who have things a little better.....
And there are certainly many out there, who will have things worse than we do.....much worse.....

I miss ya already, C......
Deepest condolences to your family and loved ones, who I have become close to over the years.....
You left behind a legacy of good examples, frank opinions, and good stories......

Thanks for sharing them with me....
And especially for your fishing stories, of catching many smallmouth bass on a hot day in the Summer....an almost impossible feat in hot weather.......
Unless one was willing to use the secret bait that you did.....crawfish.....

Thanks for all... pal.....RIP.....