Quote Originally Posted by ledhead36 View Post
Okay haven't reported in a while because we have been fishing Non-Stop almost every night. the only nights we don't fish it if it's too rainy or windy to see in front of us. myself, I caught 89 bass in the last 2 weeks. 20% of that probably was keeper size. biggest bass so far 27 pounds on Bunker head. kept 5 bass and let the biggest ones go.

I was going to post this because we thought it was over. The blue fish came in and we are just sick of catching these big Gators on bunker. they are even eating clams! oh and if anyone wants pics, dark can confirm we caught these fish we texted them to him.
if anyone still needs to see pix I'll make you a deal.
wish4fish and I will come over and get your Mom drunk and tag team her. after we're done, I will send you the pix.
Haha love it! congrats on your catching