Quote Originally Posted by jonthepain View Post
I'm not religious either. The Pharisees were religious.
Your posts are witty, humorous, simple and to the point, Jon. Wish I knew how to do that.

Yes there is a certain fanaticism with religious groups even today. That's why I try not to talk about religion too much here. Everyone's got their own comfortability level.

April 14, 2009


When my AA sponsor began to laugh
and point out my self-pity and ego-feeding deceptions, I was annoyed and hurt,
but it taught me to lighten up and focus on my recovery.
I soon learned to laugh at myself
and eventually I taught those I sponsor to laugh also.
Every day I ask God to help me stop taking myself too seriously.
- Daily Reflections, p. 59

Thought to Ponder....

Smile, it's a free facelift.

That's why I love to make fun of myself and the dorky things I do. Laughter smooths out the rough spots in life, I'm glad I can laugh at myself.