Mike, if you're respooling with new line, try Sufix mono, Tritanium is the type a few friends and I are starting to use.

Prior to this year, I had heard of sufix from other guys, figured what's the big deal, mono is mono. Unless it's a real cheap brand, you can find decent quality in all types of mono makers if you look long enough.

Remember that places like Walmart usually carry the cheapest lines from a manufacturer, and you are not always getting a bargain at their "bargain prices". I say this because I see Walmart now carries Sufix, but it's not the tritanium line.

I don't know what the process is to make that line, it can't be that much different from the other lines. But the performance is outstanding. Guys I know are using 12 and 17 lb Tritanium mono to bring in bigger fish 20+, with no problem.

The strength of that line is amazing. I was fishin a shad a few months ago, a friend let me borrow his reel when mine crapped out. I got the shad stuck in the rocks, and I could not break the line with my hands. I had to wrap it around my arm a few times like braid, and then was able to break it.

It's got my vote for mono, and I'm a guy who fished Berkeley and Ande for many years (when I fish mono). I expect you will hear more and more about this line as more fishermen try it.

There are no big dollar marketing campaigns I know of, only word-of-mouth from guys who fish a lot, and fish hard. Great line.