I'm sorry Mick, maybe I was confusing those 2 incidents in my head, thanks for having patience with me. Will continue to hope for the best for you, and put out a reminder for all guys over 30 to pay attention to signs.

If you're feeling a little "off" fatigue easily, etc, and you are sure it's not due to a weight or glandular problem, get your aZZ to a doctor. And it might involve them sticking something in your aZZ for a prostate exam, well man up and do it!

I had one done last year. I wasn't too eager to go, but they knock ya out with anesthesia, ya don't feel a thing (except when you're done and you see the Doc zipping his pants back up!) ::

Seriously, all those homophobic fears kept me away from exams like that, and if you think about it logically, it's just part of a routine exam to get all parts of your body checked. Don't ignore signs guys, and many times you might not even have evidence of disease.

A nagging cough that won't go away, a mole on your arm or back that suddenly changes color or shape, or starts to be painful.....Cancer takes more people than it needs to every year, all because some of us are too macho to go to the Doc, me included.

eff cancer, no cancer allowed in the Effumall club.