Some early warning signs of cancer, guys and gals:

Cancer: how to spot the early warning signs

MSN's guide to ensure you catch all the early warning signs of cancer. If you're something's worrying you, take no risks and get it checked out...

Persistent coughs, sudden weight loss, mystery spots. Most commonly these unexplained symptoms are down to nothing more serious than a throat infection, inflamed hair follicle or even stress.

But in some rare cases these complaints can signal early warning signs of something much more serious, such as one of the various forms of cancer. Reality TV star Jade Goody, who was recently diagnosed with cervical cancer, reportedly ignored several health warnings before finally being told she had the condition while taking part in the Indian version of Big Brother.

We take a look at some of the red flags that could help you to catch cancer in its early stages and seek appropriate treatment.

(Image © Rex Features)

Cancer of the prostate is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in most western countries – there are 35,000 new cases in the UK every year. The condition is most common in men over 50, but all men should be aware of the warning signs as an early diagnosis usually leads to successful treatment. Symptoms include difficulty passing uring, passing urine often, pain when urinating, inability to urinate, interrupted urine flow, blood in the urine and pain in the lower back, hips and thighs. If any of these apply to you – make an appointment to see your GP straight away.

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