I have had a bunch, these are my most memorable ones:
- Had a 62 Chevy Belair, I learned to use a clutch with, that was fun (got mugged in NYC (17 years old), could not lock doors, thugs opened them up and got in).
- Ford Fairlane, first accident, hit a UPS truck on the side at the Willobrook mall (just got license, going to buy Ranger hockey tickets, still don't know how I didn't see it).......watched it teeder side to side for what seemed like forever. Lucky it did not roll over. (Had ACDC blasting in the 8 track player).
- An AMC Matador (360 cu in) I wrapped around a pole (it was a tank (thank god)).
- First new car was a Datsun 310, $5,600.00 (GREAT VALUE), 40-50 MPG, blew a head gasket 85k miles, I changed it myself, had extra parts, car would stall every 30-40 miles after my I changed that gasket. Lots of fresh water fishing with this car.
- Audi 100 for about 6 months, best riding vehicle I ever owned, engine seized.
- Fiero with a T bar roof (leaked). Had no room. Tried changing the brakes 1x and had to get it towed and fixed at a station.
- 72 Charger SE, Lots of fun (40k miles never changed the oil, just added when needed).
- Jeep Wrangler was my favorite vehicle (until someone stole my doors while the jeep was in my drive way (wife made me get rid of it)).
- Been driving Jeeps for the last 15-20 years, will never buy another one after I am done with my current one. Chrysler screwed me so bad I would hope that everyone associated with that company would loose their job. They are crooks.
- I bought a Eagle Medallion (new), as I was pulling out from the dealer I asked where the glove compartment was.....did not have one.....buying that car was a mistake, a big mistake.

A tiny sampling of my vehicle history...........

Oh, I rolled a Ford Pinto, ended up on the roof....got out, rolled it over, kept on going. Another bad purchase (they roll to easy).