My intentions are not to preach here, but merely to raise awareness.....
And to maybe spur dialogue among those among ya.....
boaters, surf guys, etc, who have seen kayaks in dangerous situations this or last year, and maybe want to chime in here with your thoughts

My biggest fear is that as an unlicensed body of fishermen, (yakkers) this sport is growing.
There may be those in the legislature who want money from yakkers in a new licensing plan.
And who want to institute a whole series of safety courses that we must pass, similar to boating classes, before we are allowed on the water.

I see this as not only a possibility, but an inevitable probability of events like today's...
All it will take is a few tragic accidents, or boat/kayak collisions, for legislators to get involved....

Please don't think it can't's bound to happen sooner or later with the explosive growth in the kayak field....

Thanks for your opinions, folks...