Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
Had a big Bass swirl on a Hogy 4 weeks ago (think I had tears in my eyes when the Hogy came back twisted up, no cuts).
Had my rod almost ripped out of my hand around a rock pile at 7 Presidents a few years ago on a 14" Hogy, no teeth marks.

It does unfortunately go on and on and on.
I have landed 1 False Albie and lost 2 (that were hooked).
I loose and miss a ridiculous amount of fish.....unfortunately as Darkskies said.
One time lost 10 fish in a row, after hooked.
Well. let's not be too hard on ya here....there was one year you managed to catch a few big albies from the surf.....it was a poor year for albies...very few others were caught from the surf....so that's pretty damn talented right there....
I know you're telling the truth about the missed fish...and in each case it was probably a larger bass...
I would love to hear a Hogy story from you that had a happy ending, for once, though...

Quote Originally Posted by hookset View Post
Would love to hear more about dark's fails as well. If he sleeps in porto potties does he smell like crap or just the stale onion smell of underarm stink.
All part of a carefully cultivated image, hookset...so I get to fish alone and no one is interested in what I'm catching or doing out there at night....
I smell as bad.....as one could imagine....think of the mud flats on a hot summer night....low tide....as you drive past them.....combine that with the stink in a storm sewer after a heavy rain......

Quote Originally Posted by bababooey View Post
This is less busting balls than a question. DS and FC have not had a battle royale in some time. What gives did DS become a born again christian or something?
Nope, I'm still the same crab I have always been....Fin hasn't changed either.....right now there are more important things than bickering....
BTW, when was the last time you went to church, bababooey? ...Jesus loves ya!